Chapter 3

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⤴️⤴️Melissa Benoist i love her sooo much

Its been a while but im back , I appreciate everyone who has given my book a chance 💓 💗 💛

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Marinette's pov
I landed on the roof of the Bakery and Detrasformed  heading into my room Tikki flew to the cookie jar in my room to eat I headed down to the Bakery my Parents were busy " Can I help you guys with something " I asked " How bout you head up to the kitchen and start on dinner we'll join you after  we close the bakery" papa said "ok" I replied heading to the kitchen I started on dinner a while later maman joined me at about 6:30 we started eating after dinner we all cleaned the kitchen and cleared the dishes " I'm going to bed early i want to wake up bright and early tomorrow morning for school" I said fake yawning " Good for you staying up too late isn't healthy for you sweetie" maman said  " Your mother's right head up"papa said  " Goodnight" I yawned " night sweet dreams" they both said I headed up to my room shutting the hatch as I entered i checked the time almost 8:30 " Time to bet plagg back Tikki Spots on" I  transformed yoyoing i spotted cat noir on the roof of a building close to the sein I landed quietly " Hey Kitty"  I greeted his ears perked in excitement I  kinda feel bad for me its his fault for being irresponsible " you actually came i thought you'd bail on me" he said " Well I had a change of heart" I said he gave me a single red rose " for you milady" I accepted it he grinned " I have to talk to you Cat I'm not impressed with your recent behaviour you realise how many lives were lost due to your incompetence only for the miraculous cure to bring them back to life and therefore as the guardian ofthemiraculousI have made a decision" I  stated twirling the rose in between my fingers I looked at him his facial expression wasn't pretty " so what is your decision" he asked " I'm taking plagg back from you hand over your ring" I commanded he didn't budge " You can't do that The Balance and Hawk-moth is still out there" he said " You didn't think of that when you refused to show up for akuma attacks" I said " Hand over your miraculous now" I demanded once again he refused he took his staff extended it he was about to jump off I grabbed his tail " You leave me with no choice Plagg I renounce you" I said the ring slipped off from his finger onto my palm a green and black light shone leaving behind the Agreste heir I did not expect that " Ladybug? What am I doing here Father's going to upset  " he said confused Since I the guardian renounced his miraculous he doesn't remember a thing about being cat noir " i'll take you home " he held me we yoyoed to his house one of his room windows was open I dropped him off  " Thank you Ladybug" he said blushing I guess even the miraculous magic can't stop him from having a crush on Ladybug " You are welcome" I said I left his room extending my yoyo I headed home Detrasformed and crashed on my bed

This is just a filler chapter more will be coming your way soon

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