"So how are all my lovely pigeons doing?" He asked leaning agains Louis' arm. We all looked at eachother and smiled.

"Great!" Said Louis. He gave us a cheeky grin. Oh oh, what was he going to do now?

"But Ed did you not notice the giant elephant in the garden? Someone brought it here to crash your party!" 

Ed's face turned as red as his hair, he scrunched up his face in distaste. Louis hid his face in his arm so Ed wouldnt see him laughing.

"What?!" Yelled Ed attempting to stand up droopily. "I gotta- that elephant wasnt invited! Who does he? Who even brings elephants to parties anymore?" 

He started walking towards the garden and when he was gone we all bursted out laughing.

"Good one Lou!" Zayn said before bending over from laughter. "He's probably gonna spend his entire night in that garden searching for an imaginary elephant." We all kept laughing. Over tiny things that shouldnt be funny, but for some reason we found hilarious.

We talked about embarrasing moments. And I had the ultimate pleasure of having Louis narrate the time a few years ago when I saw a girl from the mall and Niall dared me to get her number. And When I walked up to her to get it, I realized it was a dude. 

I shuddered at the memory. Most disturbing thing that ever happened to me...

Time flew by so fast. I was having a great time. Looking over at Tiffani and seeing that huge smile on her face made me so happy. Another waitor came up to us and offered us drinks. I looked over at Tiffani and she nodded. We both picked one and drank it together. 

I watched her run her fingers through her hair and put her up in a pony tail.

"You have amazing hair." I blurted out. She giggled at the compliment but didnt say anything. I saw that she was still shaking a bit. Even though she we were in a tent, it was still pretty cold. So I moved a bit closer to her. She noticed I sat closer to her becasue she flinched a little. I tilted my head so I was facing her better but she just looked down at my chest.

"May I?" I asked reaching out to put my arm around her. She glanced back up at everyone but they werent looking. 

"If you must." She said sighing loudly. Allowing me to place my arm around her. She scootched over to me and laid her head on my chest. I was pretty sure she could hear my heart beating, beating pretty fast. I slightly tilted my head so it was leaning on hers. I felt so relaxed like this. Like nothing could get better from here. 

Then all of a sudden people jumped infront of us and started snapping pictures. At first I thought it was Louis and Zayn taking a secret picture, but i was wrong. It was the paparazzi. How did they get in this party? I stood up with Liam and we dragged them out. Ed was walking over to us, looking happy.

"I think the elephant left!" He said smiling. "Thank goodness, how awkward would it have been if it was using the bathroom and someone walked in?"

"Ed, how did those paparazzi get in?" I asked ignoring his drunken comment.

He looked around confused. "Pizza party got in? Where?" Im the one having a party! Not a slice of pizza!" He stormed off looking for a pizza to yell at. I looked at Liam desperatly but he had no clue either.

When I got back to our table, Tiffani wasnt there. Where did she go?


In all the confussion I decided to slip away from everyone. When Harry got up with Liam to get rid of the paparazzi, I was cold again. His warm embrace was gone and I was kind of sad he got up.

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now