Chapter 1 - THUNDERED

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It all started on an okay day like any other day, surrounding 10am. It was cloudy with the sun making its way through the  clouds, so one could say it wasn't too bad of a weather.
Well, not really. It wasn't any day for pico. He had monthly check ups to do at the hospital in his city, something to do with something he broke.He doesn't really know,he can't even feel it.
Sadly, the closest one in his city had closed down, he did not know the reason. But for sure he would have to go to another, it didn't really matter if it was the doctor he was used to or not. As long as he could get it over with.
He so decided the one in the next city would do the job, dejectedly, sighing here and there, he hopped into his vehicle.

It was after a long car ride from his appartment to this hospital that he dropped his car at a parking lot, heading towards the building.
Never had he been so midly annoyed, he was perhaps just having a bad day.
Pico did not often care for himself a lot, or even for people around him. He could without a doubt call himself a criminal, so the large hospital that had stood before him felt like it was just too much.

He entered, and that's where he forgot most of the day. Even if he remembers that the metallic smell of blood coming from the place reeks, and that it probably did not uplift his mood, he had gone ahead to do what he needed to , no matter how annoyed he was, planning to just forget it for his own temper.
He had probably gotten his checks after guetting in, and has to stay to the hospital for maybe a day more, if not just an afternoon. He maybe even should have left, he did not care a bit.
He was so then walking around the hospital, without having gotten the permission to, of course. But it was not like anyone was going to tell him anything anyways. He was looking at the patiens, going up and down the floors, hoping to find exitement in anything he would see. The reek of blood started to get to his head, it made him want to punch someone in the throat. That's when he ended up in a corridor of patient rooms that did not seem to be very full.

Maybe one or two of them would be occupied, as not much staff seem to be going around. That is when he got curious, he smelt something refreshing from this hallway, Maybe it had lifted up his mood. But it was still open to exploring. more exiting than any other stinking hallway, the smell emitting from this one was rather simple. Maybe they open windows up there? He thought jokingly.

Lightly stepping onto the floor, hoping no one would hear him come around, as it felt like he shouldn't be here.

His tip-toeing however stopped, on his own accord. He was standing before an open door , of a patient room. It was definitly occupied.
He probably wouldn't have been as curious if the door didn't have a "please do not disturb" sign on it, basically inviting him to open the door, but also a strange smell coming from it. Pico had a strong sense of smell since long ago, but the one coming from under the door was not something he had smelled before. Oddly sweet yet familiar for a hospital that mainly reeks of blood on the other floors? Was something he maybe thought to himself. But he unknowingly could not wait any longer.

Surely but gently, pico opened the door, surprised by himself for even being considerate, he would have just busted it open if it wasn't for the smell calming down his moody attitude.
His look went around the room before watching straight forward, noticing the feeling of the wind and sun probably from open windows. A clean room, with plants scattered around and surprisingly a large boom box that looked unused. Still hovering his look around the warm blue room, his look had finally ended on the middle of it, finally where the patient the room belonged to was.

His heart skipped a beat.

He was met with a blue haired boy, confusingly staring him down. Pico felt his face flush, but shook it off.
He was practically thundered.
The boy tilted his head to the side, while pico was adverting his gaze.
The feeling was confused and muffled with the beat of his heart.
But he had been stronger than that, and so he inhaled and looked at the blue haired male straight in the eyes. God why is it so hard to no look away?
That's when he spoke.

Honey Hotline [ a Pico x Keith (bf) fanfiction ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu