As I got up from sitting on the fountain I began to make my way back home passing more people in which a lady said "Now it's no wonder that her name means 'beauty' Her looks have got no parallel!" "But behind that fair facade, I'm afraid she's rather odd. Very different from the rest of us" "she's nothing like the rest of us, yes different from the rest of us it's obviously Y/N!" They sang as I continue reading my book.


    As I'm leaning on the wall, I aim at the sky shooting a duck down making it fall straight down, as I watch Tommy running at the falling duck holding a bag out ready to caught it, but as he rose his bag up high the bird landed right at his side causing Tubbo to giggle right beside me. Tommy grabbed the duck by its neck placing it in the bag running back to me and Tubbo "Wow you didn't miss a shot Wilbur, your the greatest hunter in the whole world" Tommy said "yea good shot boss man I can't say the same for Tommy catching skill tho" Tubbo said laughing "ha ha very funny Tubbo" Tommy said while running back.

    I proudly blew on the tip of the gun saying "I know I am" I say as I began to walk through the village with Tommy and Tubbo following. "No beast alive can stand a chance against you" Tubbo said as he went next to Tommy. "And no girl for that matter" Tommy said causing the two boys to giggle again. As I turn back at the boys I grabbed their shoulders looking at the with a chuckle "it's true.. and as of girls, I have my eyes set on that one" I said with a huge grin while pointing my finger at Y/N seeing her standing beautifully reading her book  "BBH'S DAUGHTER!" Tommy yelled out, Tubbo looked slightly shocked "What's wrong Tubbo?" I asked facing him "Didn't she have a brother that just suddenly disappear out of the blue? Like no one knows what happened to him." Tubbo said looking alittle uncomfortable, I looked at Y/N then back at Tubbo "It is kinda odd but who knows I don't really know what happened to him but let's no focus on that shall we" I say as we looked back at Y/N "oh and to answer your question Tommy, yes it's BBH's daughter, she is the lucky girl I'm going to marry, the most beautiful girl in the world which makes her the best" I said while ruffling my hands on Tubbo and Tommy's hair. I then pull them closer saying "don't you think I deserve the best?" "Of course u do" Tommy said in which I began to sing "You bet right from the moment when I met her, saw her I said she's gorgeous and I feel.." I sang as I looked at myself at a nearby mirror "here in town there's only she, who is beautiful as me, so I'm making plans to woo and marry Y/N" I say as I look around me looking for Tommy and Tubbo who were going towards Y/N who had started walking away

No one POV:

    As Wilbur goes after Tommy and Tubbo a group of girls see Wilbur walking by passing the boys trying to get to Y/N who struggle abit loosing her in the crowd, in which the group of girls began to sing "Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy, Monsieur Wilbur, oh he's so cute, be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing" the girls say while dramatically putting one hand on their chest and the other hand covering their face "He's such a tall, brown hair, strong and handsome brute" the girls say as they dramatically 'faint' onto the ground.

    As that was happening Wilbur went through the crowd where Y/N went through going after her leaving the two boys behind. As Tommy and Tubbo couldn't keep up with Wilbur they decided to just wait until there was a clearing for them to get to Wilbur without getting lost through the crowd. As that happened Y/N who kept reading not looking at her surroundings and wouldn't let go of the book for one second, suddenly as if on cue Y/N spins while singing "there must more than this provincial life!" As Wilbur continued as he got closer to her "just watch as I'm gonna make her my wife!" Everyone suddenly crowded behind Y/N causing to block the path for Wilbur to reach her, they all then said "Look there she goes a girl who's strange but special, a most peculiar mademoiselle, It's a pity and a sin, she doesn't quite fit in!" They sang as Wilbur looked around to see what he can do to make his way towards Y/N, then he saw an opened door to someone house, in which he went inside and went out the window above being at the roof he made his way towards Y/N as the crowd continued "but she really is a funny girl, a beauty but a funny girl, she really is a funny girl! Y/N!" They sang as soon Y/N heard her name at the end she turned to face the crowd only to see that everyone was doing there usually stuff in which Y/N shrugged off and continued to walk to her house.

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