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Favorite Color?

A) Purple

B) Gray

C) Blue

D) Red

E) Pink

2) What do you want to be when you grow up?

A) A Neurologist

B) A Astrophysist

C) A Astronut

D) A Broadway Singer

E) A Oncologist

3)You are at the Mall and you find something that catches you eye. What is it?

A) A Neuroscience Book or any Type of school related textbook. I  Love learning about Science.

B) A new Colgone. I want to smell good for a Girl that I'm are dating. 

C) Anew Belt Buckle. It would look great with my new aquaman T-Shirt. 

D) A cute pair of Heels. They are Sexy and they make me look taller

E) A Pink Dress, Pink Nail Polish, Pink Purse. I LOVE Pink!

4) What's your biggest insecureity?

A) I look in the mirror and see an ugly nerd/geek. 

B) I feel like no one really likes me for who I am and I keep forcing myself to be who they want me to be. 

C) I have a werid personality that no girl likes. 

D) I am Short. 

E) I can't talk to boys. 

5) Do you think you're attractive?

A) No, I think I'm Ugly. 

B) Yes, Everyone thinks I'm cute. 

C) Maybe, Not everyone says so but I think I am. 

D) Duh! Boys say that I'm hot all the time!

E) I guess...

6) What physical features about yourself do people compliement you most about?

A) My Eyes.

B) My Hair, Eyes, and Smile.

C) I guess my smile... 

D) Everything.

E) People say that I have beautiful long hair. 

7) What is your biggest problems?

A) The one I love dosen't love me back.

B) I am scared that people will stop liking me or that people don't like me for who I am. 

C) I have a tough time getting girls to like me. 

D) Sometimes I try to hard to attract the oppisite sex. 

E) I have social issues. 

8) What's something you like about yourself?

A) My Brains.

B) My Popularity. 

C) My Sense of Humor.

D) My Good-Looks.

E) My Personality.

9) What is your fashion Style?

A) Conservative, Lot's of Cardigans and skirts. 

B) Modern, Lot's of Leather Jackets and plain T-shirts.

C) Unquie, Lot's of Superhero T-shirts and Belt buckles. 

D) Fashionable, Lot's of shorts and miniskirts. 

E) Casual, Lot's of Skinny Jeans and T-shirts.

10) Favorite Class in school?

A) Science, Particularly involving neuroscience.

B) Math, Because it's easy for me. 

C) Astronmany because I want to be in space on day. 

D) Glee Club, Drama Club, anything involving Broadway.

E) Lunch, because it's the only time I can talk to people (My friends). 

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