Once Upon A Time - A Boy Dreamed

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The world is a shit place. Giving power to the ones who don't disserve it. Leaving the ones without it to rot like nothing more than trash. Though, I can't say I've had it all bad. I still have a caring mother. A house, food to eat, water to drink. It's not abnormal for quirkless children to be disowned, or thrown out.

20% of the world my be quirkless, but it doesn't change that nearly 18% of that comes from the middle-aged and elderly. To have a quirkless child now a days is seen as completely abnormal, sometimes even frowned upon. 'Like someone would want a quirkless child on poupous.'  But despite all of that, the worst I've got is bullying.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!
It fucking does! Hurts like hell being burned over me 10 times over. AND ON LOOP! But for the rest of the quirkless I find it hard to imagen how much worse it could feel. Because it must hurt more. It hast too.

I really used to want to be a hero. Even if I was quirkless. But truly all I did was dream to be a hero, I never actually took a single step down the path of heroics. But I'd like to believe that I would have had the spirit. But there's nothing I can do now. It's too late. I can't be a hero.

All Might said so himself.

That day on the roof happened probably about a month ago. Where All Might reviled his true form, and gave me a cold truth. Ever sense that day I've hatted him. Most of the hatred probably comes from the fact that he's right. Hero work is dangerous. No matter how much of a traitor he is, he has real world experience. And that can't be scoffed at. He's number one for a reason, and he told me no for a reason as well. Because false hope and blind belief, are the things that get people killed.

He was just trying to do his job. He was just trying to be a hero.

But he's still a fucking traitor and no one will change my mind.
'Anyone can be a hero if you believe you can'  My ass! Complete BS! You're a fucking bitch, and I hope you die in a car crash!

Ever sense that day I had taken down all of my memorabilia. It took a while for me to actual have the heart for it. And I made sure to take the posters down carefully. Even if I hate the guy he's got a big ass name and this shit can sell for a lot. I had neatly put it away in my closet so I could easily sell it If there was ever a time I needed to.

I really don't know what to do. I had only ever imaged myself as a hero and nothing else ever crossed my mind as a possible career path. I might be able to be a police officer, but it's something All Might had suggested. And in all honesty it wasn't a bad idea, but the fact is that All Might had said it. It'd always be looming over me. And I don't know if I could take that.

There's also the support industry. I had always liked there work, It was something I really enjoyed seeing pro heroes use. It was always fascinating how strong a hero could get with a few bits of gear. But just like my stupid kid brain always was. 'I can't wait too see what support items I can get when I'm a hero!' Or something similar.

But to even thing of going into the support industry I'd haft to learn about engineering. Which in once again all honesty wouldn't be that hard. I was already a really studious kid, to learn something new wouldn't take long at all. But it was still a mental hurdle I'd haft to jump if I ever want to be even remotely connected the hero field.

I'm truly at an impasse. Middle school finals are coming up so I don't even get time to look over all of my options. It's such a pain! 'Maybe I should go out for a walk or something, those always seem to help me clear my head' Recently I've been going on walks every now and then. And it's incredibly relaxing, I'd totally suggest it go out right when the sun sets, walk around for a hour or so and head back home. Works like a charm. Except for when it doesn't...

Sitting myself up from the comfort of my bed, I get up grab a one of my new favorite hoodies and go to tell mom that I'll be back. And in no time I'm out the door and walk'n around. 'I'm not really worried about my finals, like I've said before I'm really studious. I know the material and could probably get an above average grade without studding in the slightest. It's really a problem on what to do after. I'd love to apply to UA but the only issue is that Bakugou would be there.'

'Even if I'm not in the heroics course I'm sure he'd still do his best to give me hell, whilst not getting himself expelled. So if I can't go to UA where else is there? I guess there's Shiketsu a school said to be on pair with UA. I'd be a huge moral blow but It's definitely a good option.'

'Alright so if I'm going to go for Shiketsu them what I need to look into what there entrance exams are like. And what if they have a strait up no quirkless policy? Though I doubt it, I can't just rule it out.'

  Though as I'm walking by my ears catch wind of what most would call... An abnormal sound...

"Hey Hey HEY! You're that sick bitch that goes to our school right? The one that you should be killed for right?"
"Seriously! Who leaves someone with a quirk like that alive!"
"You know Hayato-kun shouldn't we just fix that problem ourselves? I mean, we might even get a reward for doing the world a favor!"
"You know... I think your on to something Fujiki-kun!"

"Please, don't..."


Was up. Here I am, with an update. Like I said I'm going to try and update when I can. So if I got ideas and I feel like writing. I'ma sit down and write a thousand words or so and run with it! Anyways hope you liked the chapter. Bit of a cliffhanger but I think it'll work out quite nicely. Without giving too much away, the squads about to get it's first member! In what's planed to be a rather dark turn of events! Anyways hope you enjoyed part 2, And I guess I see you peeps next update! And always remember...
The Future is Now So...
Don't Kill Yourself~ (Really Don't)

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