Liam was unpacking and had the door wide open because it was a nice day outside. He had his back turned when he heard a light knock at his door. When he turned, he saw a tall green-eyed man with a beautiful head of curls smiling at him, and Liam wasn't sure if he swooned or not because this man had the cutest dimples.

"Hey, you must be my new neighbor." And his voice, shit, how was Liam not supposed to fall for this guy? "Um, yeah." Liam got up from the floor and walked over. "I'm Liam." Liam offered his hand and Harry took it gently. Harry's hand was so much bigger than Liam's, but they felt soft with the pads of his fingers being rough.

Then, they felt sparks and they pulled away. Liam was confused and looked at his hand. "Um, sorry, I didn't mean to shock you."

"Yeah, um, I'm Harry." Harry said a little more causally now. Liam bit his lip, feeling weird now that Harry seemed to want to leave. Liam saw Harry's eyes darting to his lips for a moment. "Um, hey, I got to go. See you around." Harry waved and practically ran off.

After that Liam didn't get close to Harry. They still talked of course, but Harry seemed to like his space, which is why this is so weird.

Harry raised a hand and patted Liam's hair. Liam blushed as he felt sparks run from the top of his head to his toes. Harry let out a happy sigh as he removed his hand. "You smell really nice." Liam's blush darkened. "Um, thanks. I didn't put anything on though."

"I know, your natural smell is much better. In my opinion anyway." Harry shrugged. Liam smiled at the floor. "Hey, don't you usually leave around this time?" Liam checked his phone and cursed. "Um, it was nice seeing you this morning, bye!" Liam ran off and got back inside to finish getting ready.

What he didn't notice was a big creature running past his backyard.


Liam came home exhausted. He slumped inside and threw everything he was holding on the couch. He sighed as he sat down on the clean area. He looked up at the wall and his mind wondered to Harry. Liam blushed and lightly shook his head.

Why was he thinking about Harry? But then the thought started soothing him and he couldn't help it because he was so stressed. He closed his eyes and thought about how handsome Harry was. Now that Liam thinks about it his eyes sparkle every time they talk.

Liam opened his eyes slowly and didn't feel it, but he had a small smile on his face. Then, those green eyes slowly turned yellow, and Liam remembered the bowl he left outside for that fox. "I wonder if he even came over." Liam muttered as he got up.

He stretched a little before going out. He smiled when he saw the bowl was empty. Liam picked it up. "Boo." Someone said in a low, deep voice right in his ear. Liam felt a cold shiver run down his. He yelled and fell back.

Harry laughed as Liam huffed. "Geez, where did you even come from?!" Liam waited until Harry stopped laughed. "The forest." Harry shrugged as he offered a hand to Liam. Liam glanced at it and back to those eyes that seemed to glow. He slowly put his hand in Harry's and bit his lip.

Their hands sent sparks through both their bodies. Harry helped Liam up and took a step back. "So, what were you doing in the forest?" Liam asked, wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers. "Oh, just out exploring. I love walking through the forest to clear my mind. Would you like to come with me? I only came over because I saw you." Harry shrugged as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Liam thought about it. He was tired, but he never got to hang out with Harry like this. "Sure, just let me go change, yeah?" Harry nodded and watched Liam run back inside. Liam all but ran upstairs and got into more breathable clothes.

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