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Hermione was not looking forward to another day at work. She'd rather have a wild hippogriff as a partner than Draco fucking Malfoy.

The face on Harry and Ginnys faces when they found out was hysterical. Hermione would've cracked a smile if she wasn't so bloody stressed.

Draco Malfoy.

Former deatheater.

Former bully.

Hermione hadn't even noticed the scorching temperature of her shower. She was too hung up on her partner.

Hermione winced and quickly turned off the water. She looked down at her palms, which were beet red.

"Shit," she muttered. She grabbed a towel and draped it around her body. With an exasperated sigh, Hermione stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror.

"Get through today, Mione," she muttered to herself.

Hermione quickly got dressed and stepped out of the bathroom. To Hermione's surprise, Ginny and Harry were sitting on the bed making out.

"Are you um- ready?" Hermione asked, averting her eyes.

The couple jumped away from each other and coughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, sorry Mione," Harry scrambled. His face flushed a bright red. Ginny on the other hand, looked no where near embarrassed.

"Ron isn't coming," Ginny explained. "He's probably with another one of his whores."

Hermione felt a pang in her chest. His whores? She shouldn't care who he slept with, they weren't even together anymore. Even though she knew it wasn't her business, Hermione was still very hurt. It reminded her of her seventh year. The whole Lavender Brown drama.

"That's fine," Hermione sighed, "Lets just go before i'm late."

Harry and Ginny nodded and stood up. The trio walked out of the room. Both Ginny and Hermione clung onto Harry's arms as he pulled out his wand and apparated away.

The three instantly appeared in front of their usual hang-out at the coffee shop. They strolled in and got their usual table. Hermione and Ginny sat down while Harry got the orders. The two engaged in conversation before Ginny's face paled, as if she saw a dementor.

"What is it Gin?" Hermione asked, slightly concerned.

Ginny raised her eyebrows and looked past Hermione's face.

"Don't look now, but guess who just walked in," she whispered.

Hermione furrowed her brow and whipped her head around. Standing at the door way was none other than Draco Malfoy, and what looked like Pansy Parkinson.

"Oh shit," Hermione muttered.

Ginny rolled her eyes and smacked Hermione's hand.

"I said don't look, idiot! What are they doing together? There's no way they still have that fling from school going."

Hermione bit her bottom lip and shrugged. She had never really payed attention to Draco Malfoy's love life in school. She honestly wouldn't know anyones love life if Ginny wasn't such a gossip.

"I do not know and I do not care," Hermione explained, "As long as we don't speak to each other before work starts, I'll be fine."

"Well, well, well. Funny seeing you here, Granger."

Hermione huffed through her nose and glanced at Ginny. The red headed girl was gawking at Draco and Pansy.

"They got hot," she mouthed in Hermione's direction.

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