Mikey looked up at his older brother. "That's not what you said...after it happened you said I could've killed you all..." He whispered, eyes darkening as he remembered.

Those words kept playing in his head...

"Mikey...you really could have killed us!"

Mikey closed his eyes, hearing it echo in his subconscious like a mantra.

"You really could have killed us!"

He'd been so stupid.

"Killed us!"


"Killed us!"


"Mikey, I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Donnie whispered, pulling his youngest brother in for a tight hug. Mikey pulled away though.

"But it's true D, I could've killed you all...that was a dumb move I'd made, and I hurt you..." Mikey looked away, guilt eating away at his tender heart.

"Yeah, it was pretty dumb, but we're fine, got it?" Raph said sternly as his family shot him a look. Mikey sighed. "You all got hurt because of me..."

Splinter sighed softly, placing both his hands on his son's shoulders to make Mikey look at him. Teary baby blue eyes met sorrowful red ones.

"Michaelangelo, you have made a mistake, and the consequences of that mistake led to your brother's lives being put at risk...but it could have been so much worse."

Mikey looked up at his father. He was sort of right. He'd hurt his brothers but they hadn't died...but still, he'd hurt them, his own brothers...

What if they had died...?

"That's why I stopped  pranking you...because I hurt you and could've killed you with.y stupid pranks...I don't wanna hurt you guys again." Mikey said seriously, the tone unusual for the usually vibrant turtle.

His family surrounded him once more with a tight hug. This time, Mikey let them and leaned into his family's embrace. He started crying again and they just held him close and let him.

"I...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Mikey choked out, his heath hitching with sobs. "It is in the past now, my son..." Splinter soothingly rubbed his son's carapace to try and console him.

"Sensei's right Mikey, what's done is done and we're fine, that's all that matters okay?" Leo added as Raph and Donnie chimed in agreeably.

Mikey smiled through his tears. "Right...what's done is done..." He leaned into his family's embrace. He didn't feel as bad now. At least his brothers were okay. That's all that mattered...

"Come, my sons...let's return home." Splinter said as the small family headed back to the lair. Once they entered, Mikey turned to face his family as they eyed him curiously.

"Did you dudes really miss my pranks?" He asked, eyes gleaming mischievously. The brothers and Splinter, surprisingly, nodded. "Hai." Splinter said simply with a smoke.

"Yeah, we did...we weren't used to just well...not being pranked." Leo added. "You pranking us was better than you not pranking us, Mikey." Donnie jumped in as Raph nodded. "Yep."

Mikey smiled and hugged his family. "I missed my pranks too....though it was pretty cool having you guys prank me for a change!" They burst out laughing. "It as hilarious!"

Mikey then turned to Splinter. "I didn't think you had it in you, sensei!" Splinter chuckled. "It was all your brother's idea...though I must admit that I enjoyed throwing that water balloon." His eyes gleamed lightly.

The brothers chuckled softly as they wrapped their arms around Mikey who returned the gesture. Splinter wrapped his arms around them all..

No one saw Mikey smirk mischievously...

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the new chapter! The next chapters is most likely gonna be the last chapter!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the new chapter! The next chapters is most likely gonna be the last chapter!

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