"So I gathered all of us today since I have a very important announcement." Yeji, Hyunjin's younger sister, they're only 9 months apart having Hyunjin on March and Yrji on December. "You all know that I got engaged last february and now, I have another blessing that came my way." she said before projecting something on the projector, making everyone gasp and a lot clapped and said their congratulations to the younger.

She's pregnant, she showed a 3 weeks pregnancy ultrasound and is smiling widely to everyone, saying thank you to all who said congratulations.

"The wedding would take place on Seurin Stream Resort next week! We rushed it up for my pregnancy to be smooth! I hope you all could come! Especially you twinnie! You'll be my escort and not dad!" Yeji said smiling brightly at her older brother, Hyunjin smiled at her brightly as well, happy to see his younger sister slowly building her own family.

"Funny how Yeji already has a family but Hyunjin is still single as fuck! This is hilarious!" His cousin, Minhyun said. They aren't close so Hyunjin threw a death glare at the older while the older just smirked at him.

"Now you two stop those glares, It's not like you have a wife too Minhyun, she left you for another man remember?" Inyeop said smiling as he shook his head.

"Oh shut up! You were also left with nothing, you're just able to visit your child! Atleast I have mines in my house and I get to see him everyday, unlike you, once a month pft!" Minhyun threw back receiving a death glare from the younger.

"Stop it, Hyunjin just isn't rushing! Give him more time to think about having someone on his life, he'll find the one for him soon." His aunt Tifanny said smiling at him.

"Well he already met him, my twinnie is just a dummy to not get a hold of him." Yeji said looking slightly annoyed, far from the bright aura she had earlier, guess pregnancy does make people moody.

"So its a 'him'... Interesting, never knew you weren't straight son." His dad said looking all serious. Making everyone laugh as they knew it eversince that he wasn't into girls giving him a title on the family as 'girl breaker'.

"You never knew anything about me anyways." He said before standing up and excusing himself to the rest of the family to leave.

"Dad! Look what you've done! I would be the one assuring you that Hyunjin already has a daughter! He just doesn't know yet and it looks like the other doesn't want him to know too." Yeji said leaving everyone shock and herself shock too. She just couldn't take it that they always pick on her brother and criticize him for not wanting girls.

"No way! He's gay yall!" Sunhee said laughing receiving laughs from other cousins.

"It's not like all of you are straight anyways! Uncle Chansung was also gay and just turned straight bcoz of your criticisms! Sunhee don't act like you didn't make out with a girl during high school! Inyeop oppa, didn't you had your virginity wiped out by some guy on the club during college!?" Yeji said scattering every piece of information she have, not even mentioning that she knew Karl, their cousin was pregnant by a boy but the baby died while its on the 5th month due to stress and unstable mental health.

Everyone stayed quiet, Yeji was a lawyer so she would probably know a lot about the dirt of the Hwang Clan.

"Anyways, ya'll are expected to come, if you don't then it's not my lost but yours! Adios!" Yeji said before flipping her hair to make an exit from the meeting room.

Hyunjin was annoyed as fuck when he arrived at his office, he's the CEO and is nominated to hold every company that everyone from the clan has. He was just short by not having a heir and a wife/husband. It was needed to secure their perfect image, especially against the Lee's.

Both the Lee's and Hwang's were the most known families when it comes to Fashion and Entertainment industry. Their family was close to the Lee's before, especially Lee Minho's family but when Minho left Jisung to his care, he wanted to rebel with him, they were enjoying themselves when Jisung almost had amnesia due to almost being beaten to death by a rival gang. Minho was so furious at Hyunjin so he was prohibited to even be near the younger.

When Jisung was arranged with Minho, Jisung would always run to him to vent out anger and rants. Once Jisung was happily married and pregnant, Hyunjin needed him in order to get Almira, Jisung's neighbor and Hyunjin's first love, but Jisung wasn't mentally stable causing him to have a bleeding during his 7th month of pregnancy making Minho so mad at him. Until that day, he wasn't allowed to see Jisung again. When Jisung have gone missing, Minho vented his anger on Hyunjin who doesn't even know a thing.

"Hyunjin, I don't know if you realized this but Yeji's wedding is just after Felix's at the same resort!" Chan said excitedly giving Hyunjin an idea.

"Book my hotel room for a week, starting from the day before Felix's wedding. We're leaving this monday." The younger said smiling, excited to meet Seungmin, tho the percentage of meeting the right one is 50%, he still hopes for it.

"Hyunjin you have a meet-"

"I don't care, just do as I say, hyung! Promise, if I fail, I'll be less stubborn!" he siad and smiled cheekily.


I'll have a seperate book for Seungjin right after this Minsung book but I just wanted you guys to know Hyunjin's side of the story. I would casually put them sometimes just like Changlix but ofc I would focus on Minsung.

Hope you're having a great time!

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