I don't like to think about work right now, except maybe I could start going into the studio in a few weeks, but that's why I have my own home studio here. I don't have an album or even a single out, so there's no reason to worry about touring right now. I know it's something we'll cross when we get there, so right now I'm just enjoying my time with my girls.

I'm not even upset in the slightest that I can't play Prince Eric in the Little Mermaid remake. Although, I would like it if Charlie could grow up watching me act in a kid's movie. I think that could be fun... maybe she'd find it embarrassing though.

Charlie begins to fuss a little, but I'm not sure why. I bounce her on my legs a tiny bit and ask, "Do you want to read a book? No... Do you need a nappy change? No... You shouldn't be hungry again either. What's wrong?"

I stand up so I can hold her upright and she seems to like that better.

"Do you want to dance with Daddy? We can play music and sing along," Of course, she doesn't answer. She just latches her mouth to my shirt and begins sucking, making a sopping mess on my shoulder.

"Charlie," I whine, "that's not very nice." I pick up her dummy and stick it in her mouth instead.

"Here, suck on this. That's better." With one free hand, I shuffle my Beatles playlist on my phone and begin swaying around the living room with Charlie.

"Love, love me do. You know, I love you!" I make faces and try to interact with her.

After a couple songs, she falls asleep on my shoulder and her dummy falls from her mouth onto the floor.

Gross, I need to wash that.

Instead of putting her to sleep in her cot that's in Em and I's room, I take a seat in our recliner to rock her a bit while I continue watching Friends at a low volume where Em left off.

Emma's P.O.V. December 4th

I had surprisingly gotten a decent amount of sleep last night, which I am now very thankful for because Charlie will not calm down.

Harry left to pick up my mom from the airport twenty minutes ago and it will be at least half an hour before he gets back. The minute Harry put Charlie in my arms she started whimpering, but those tears have now turned into full blown sobs. I have to give her some credit though, I too get upset when Harry stops holding me, but this is kind of ridiculous.

"Shh, Charlie. Daddy will be right back, it's okay. He's picking up Grandma. She is soooo excited to meet you!" I've rocked her, bounced her, tried to feed her, I've done everything, but she still wails. I'm beginning to get worried based on how red and hot her little cheeks are.

"Do you want to listen to Daddy?" I get a new idea, "Yeah, let's listen to Daddy." I maneuver so that I can properly hold Charlie in one arm while I find my phone to play some of Harry's songs.

"This one is called Sunflower. It's one of my favorites, but I may be slightly biased," I tell Charlie in the calmest voice that I can muster up right now.

I begin swaying, trying to move to the music to get her attention. I never thought she'd quiet down, but of course the only way to get her to stop crying is to play her dad's music. She is such a daddy's girl; I am going to be in so much trouble as she gets older.

"Do you hear Daddy? Yeah, that's him," I talk her down from her bad mood and play a few more of his songs. She starts to fuss every now and then, so I just play Sunflower Vol 6 again and she calms.

Halfway into another song, the music stops because of an incoming call.

"It's Daddy, Charlie!" I answer and put him on speaker.

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