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    It was a rainy autumn evening, the house quietly creaking. The leaves on the trees rustled and stirred with the stronger breeze in the air. Some of them drifting off.

    "Here, you go." A cheerful, deep voice said, placing a mug of warm hot chocolate on the coffee table next to the couch. He had autumn colored hair and beautiful light golden eyes.

    "Thank you," his spouse replied with a smile. The autumn haired man's husband had a little longer dark purple hair that faded into a soft, vivid, bright purple with amethyst, violet eyes. The auburn haired man took a seat next to his husband, putting his arm around him.

    "I was just thinking about high school." The purpled eyed man said with a light smile.

    "Hm?" His spouse hummed, a bit confused.

    "Y' know, like what happened." He said, picking up the hot mug with the beverage inside, taking a sip.

    "Oh, right." He replied, turning on the TV as the fire place in front of them crackled and hissed, giving off a bright, orange, yellow, vibrant light.

    "I still wonder how my mother's doing.." The violet eyed man said, lowering his drink a bit.

    "Zander, you know she's just fine. She's a strong woman. I know she's okay." His spouse said reassuringly. Zander nodded, putting his drink down and cuddling up to the bright, golden eyed man next to him.

    "Luke?" He asked, resting his head on Luke's shoulder.

    "Hm?" He hummed, a smile forming on his lips.

    "I love you." Zander said. Closing his violet eyes. Luke let out a light chuckle, wrapping his arms around his spouse. Turning his head a bit to give Zander a couple small kisses.

    "I love you more."

    Zander happily smiled at his husband, not bothering to open his violet eyes. They were happy. Just the two of them, living in a home far away from all the chaos they left behind them all those years ago. The younger couple opened their eyes again as the living room TV began to buzz with the musical,



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A/N: Hi everyone! Again, I want to thank you so much for reading Heathers TMF AU! It means a lot that you guys liked my first ever fanfic on here so much! 🤗

So for right now I'm going to be keeping up with oneshots in my oneshot book for you all, but I do plan on making another TMF AU book in the near future! Once I get the AU ready I will make an announcement on my profile telling you what it will be! Again, thanks so much for reading, and stay safe 💙✨

Word Count: 463

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