Chapter 11

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After a year on the run 16 year old Dream and Raven return to their village, they have been communicating with them over the year they have been on the run. At the village Dream and Raven had just arrived, they looked completely different from when they were 15. Dream had longer hair which was tied into a tiny ponytail and Raven had hair that went down to her mid back. Over that year they found out that Kyle and Jack were working for the kingdom and set Raven and Dream up...apparently the Queen knew she was also to die and that Jack and Kyle were spy's so that's why she gave the notes to Raven and Dream not Kyle and Jack.

Raven fell in love with Jack...She loved him with all her heart so the day she learned that the man she loved betrayed her she broke. Her heart was like a thousand pieces, she screamed, she cried and she vowed never to give her heart away. (Should I set her up with someone or no?)

Dream and Raven explained their idea about the group of thieves, no one was opposed more confused. "Who is going to lead us and how do we know everyone will stay loyal." People were fighting over who would be the leader, they agreed on a pact but no one could agree on a leader. Few people moved into the village but one of the older lady's in her 40's stated that Dream and Raven be the leaders so that everyone else can stay in the shadows while Dream and Raven take the spotlight. They would be the main focus while the rest slip by unnoticed.

They agreed on that terms everyone got codenames.












Wilbur=Music Man






(20 minutes with the terrible codenames my imagination is gone.)

Their first mission was rocky because they weren't used to the whole situation, over time they got better used less people on each mission became more precise and reckless. Nightmare had grown to strike fear into people of the kingdoms, Raven had many names Zarya, Angel of Death, Angel of Mercy it just depended on who you asked. Poorer villages saw them as saviors because all the money they stole went to their own village and all the poor forgotten villages of the kingdoms. 2 years passed and their operation spread, other villages had gotten involved with giving shelter and hiding spaces to the vigilantes. Many lords of poor villages help create events for the rich so that the group of thieves could steal.

Then the fateful Winter's Ball happen to see who would marry Dream's brother. The group decided to steal the kingdom's crown jewels, not for money but as a revenge card. Nikki, Dream, Wilbur, Quackity and Raven were going to be on the inside of this mission, watching all the royals. Good, Skeppy and Radza would be the eyes on the outside making sure everything goes as plan. No one could account for what was going to happen that night.

Outfits for Dream and Raven~

Outfits for Dream and Raven~

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Halfway through the break in the crowned prince stepped up to choose a women at the ball to dance with

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Halfway through the break in the crowned prince stepped up to choose a women at the ball to dance with. The prince(Dream's brother) choose Raven, this was a masquerade ball so no one knew it was her but the team did. They had to dance in front of everyone, this was the distraction the rest needed to grab the jewels. "I love you...even though I have just met you." Raven stared into his eyes "Love is a dangerous weapon Princey and I will never give you mine." "It will be mine dearie." The song ended. Then havoc happened, Kyle and Jack showed up at the ball-they had been tasked to hunt down Raven and Dream. "Raven! Dream you two can't run!" Jack shouted as the group looked around for them. 

The prince gripped Raven, "Tell me who are you?" He hissed at Raven, she escaped his grip and stood in front of him and curtsied. Giving him a little wave, she cocks her finger at him-edging on the prince. Within seconds he grabs a dagger and throws it at Raven. It doesn't scare her. Not even when the room erupts into chaos and screams, and definitely not when the prince runs to Raven, shoving people out of his way as he tries to reach Raven. Raven simply smiles and turns around, breaking out into a run despite the heels she's wearing. So the chase begins.

 Dream and Raven jumped out the window to make their escape and ran into the forest. They left a note explaining that they were going to leave for a while to let the heat cool down, no one should steal anything big until they return. They plan to return from anywhere between 3-5 years and that they were once again betrayed by George and Sapnap. They knew that this would happen sooner or later, they have killed people and have scared people they deserved this. Right?

Running through the forest in a dress and a tux is not as easy as it sounds, Raven lost her heels and Dream lost his jacket. They stopped before a ravine, they threw a potion into a open piece of land, the potion broke revealing a portal. Together they stepped out of their world and into the SMP. Two new 18 year old's enter a new world, they changed how the looked and created new story's about themselves. Dream went to find people and Raven kept an eye on the portal's making sure they were never found until 3 years later present time.

With the SMP members in the room(Present time)

Dream's POV

The first person that spoke was Tommy. "You are a monster, you killed innocent people for your own benefit! YOU BLOODY BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU! ARE YOU NOT SORRY FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED EVERYONE!!?"  Tommy smacked the table with his fist creating a loud boom in the room that echoed out. Raven spoke with fire in her soul "Why should I apologize for the monster you see me as? No one apologized for making me this way." Raven stood up and left the room, Phil was quick to follow her. "Do you know the difference between a bad guy and villain Tommy?" He shook his head at me,

"A bad guy is a person who chose their path of destruction and hate...A villain is a hero who gave up trying because no one cared, so they were put onto a path of destruction paved by the so called hero's." I left the room, I could hear someone following me. I looked back to see Techno, he caught up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him. We walked back to his house, took us a while but we made it before nightfall.

Part 2 Finished Enjoy your night!

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