Chapter 3

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3rd Persons POV 

Everyone stared fearfully at "Nightmare" some were more focused on Tubbo who was trying to run after his child. Ranboo and Tommy held him back. "What was that??" George was the first to speak. "I don't know! One moment we are watching from up on the hill, running down to free Tubbo. A cloud of dirt appears and Dream is no longer Dream!" Tommy yelled. There was another ear piercing scream that stopped their conversation, without a second thought they bolted towards the sound.

Arriving in the moment to see Dream in a standoff with the monster itself, "Give me the child. Now." Dream said "You want him come and get him, but if I can't live neither can he"

The monster threw Michael at Dream, Dream caught Michael. The monster fell backwards sending a chain that grabbed Dream pulling him off the cliff with the monster. 

Dream's POV

(5 minutes earlier)

I found the Dreamon by a cliff, there was a rocky ocean bellow. Holding Michael by the neck over the cliff, smiling a bone chilling smile. It dropped Michael close to the edge, sending a chain my way, I quickly dodged it but had to roll on the ground, not giving me enough time to dodge the next one. I felt pressure on my arm, my ankle was in searing pain from my attempted dodge. I ignored the pain and launched at the monster striking it in the stomach, jumping back to avoid the lose chain tryin to grab me. 

I watch the monster pick Michael back up, this time holding him over the edge. "Give me the child. Now." The monster didn't move. "You want him come and get him, but if I can't live neither can he" The monster threw the crying Michael at me, I caught him with a stumble. He latched onto me, I felt a sudden chain wrap around my ankle, suddenly I was being pulled of the edge. I summoned my axe quickly burring it into the rocky cliff side. I was holding onto the handle with one hand, supporting Michael with another and the monsters weight was dragging me down.

"Michael, I need you to do something for me alright?" I heard some crying and some grunts of agreement. "Ok, I need you to climb up on this axe handle and sit on it, I need you to stay right there and hang on tight, close your eyes no matter what you hear." Michael undug himself from my chest, I lifted him with the hand that was supporting him earlier. I looked up at Michael, "Close your eyes" He did as I said shutting his eyes, I looked passed him and saw Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo looking over the edge. I also felt the chain move, looking down I saw the Dreamon climbing the chain slowly coming closer to me and Michael. "What ever you hear Michael just stay up there." I looked back down before looking back up to the guy's, "Get down here as quickly as you can!" I regripped the axe handle whispering to Michael. "Tell them I'm sorry" 

I let go of the handle, the Dreamon sent out a screech at me. It wrapped its arms around me, pulling me down with it. Cold was the first thing I felt, the pressure around my body was increasing, I noticed the black ashes rising, right some types of Dreamon's can't survive water...I can't move, I think my arm is broken and my ankle is twisted. My vision was blacking out...the last thing I saw was a figure entering the water,  it looks like it had wings.


Everything went black.

3rd Person's POV

The SMP watched as a women who looked in her early 20's dived in after Dream, she had black wings but with a purple tint unlike Philza's which were just black. She had purple tipped hair and it was the length to her shoulders. She reemerged seconds later holding a passed out Dream. Standing on a rock that poked out of the ocean surface she spread her wigs and took off.

 Standing on a rock that poked out of the ocean surface she spread her wigs and took off

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(What she looks like-no jewel in her head)

Tubbo had gotten Michael back after they scaled the cliff. Michael had still not opened his eyes, only mumbled incoherent words. They watch as the women landed before them, her purple eyes pierced their souls, she laid Dream down on the ground, paying no attention to them. She bandaged Dream's arms where his cuts were from the rocks or claws. His ankle was purple and swollen, his arm had a jab in the skin indicating a broken bone. Everyone watched her clean and work on Dream. They sent a message to Techno telling him about Dream, he just arrived where they were. Walking past all of them going straight to the women. Passing her a healing potion, taking it she splashed it on them. 

Dream slowly started to fade back to his green sweatshirt and white smiley face mask. The women removed his mask watching Dream's face, Dream's eyes slowly opened reveling emeralds. Her voice was smooth and soothing. "Welcome back from the dead." She held a smirk on her face as Dream stared at her, "Am I good to go or do I have to lay here?" She scoffed at him helping him stand up. Dream had troubling balancing at first but gained his ground. "Is it gone?" Dream asked the women. "From what I can tell yes...I don't believe there are any more, I will do some recon for you and check." "Ok ok that's a good idea, do you think any more will come back or just this one?" "Just this one is my best guess Dream but, we can't be too sure. They might send more since we killed one of their own." "that makes sense. Anyway how are yo-"


I'm going to start a rant book

Dream's the villain. Right? (Updating)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें