Mall of wonder (Ch 3)

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"Come Y/N! We've finally reached our destination" Ena takes my hand and drags me into the place where we'll buy a gift for Moony.
A mall.
But this mall seemed like a very strange place. It looked like it was abandoned and desserted, some of the stores in it empty or destroyed and it was filled with mostly inanimate mannequins scattered in positions like walking or eating at a table. Completely different from outside where there were living beings going to and fro. There's  some people in the mall, but it seemed like they were just the clerks and workers. The mall also had floating debris in the air either just spinning or 'swimming' like fish in water, sometimes lifting one of the mannequins and taking it somewhere you couldn't see.
"Y/N stop dawdling" Ena says, snapping me out of my trance "we must not waste time a very rare opportunity has presented itself and we must take full advantage of it"
"What do you mean" I ask.
"It has been rare recently for all three of us to have some quality friend time" she says, making weird hand gestures.
"So I am very excited for all of us to go out and have fun at the skatepark" she says, smiling joyfully.
"But Ena, I don't know how to skateboard" I say then she leans forward and pokes my chest.
"Exactly. Moony will teach you how to skate and through those actions your bond will deepen and you will return to being friends!" She threw her hands in the air when she said friends, showing just how excited she was.

After Ena had helped me calm down and adjust to this strange world, she introduced me to some of her friends. Though some of her friends didn't really seem to care about her. She introduced me to a mime with puppets on her hands, a man in a small ufo, some weird pulsating gem connected to veins that would just ask for privacy all the time and then Moony. She was pretty cool when I first met her, a bit rude but still cool. She would make these dumb faces and crack nonsensical jokes, which were really hit or miss. And she really made my time in this world more 'fun' along with Ena by coming up with challenges, watching movies and other stuff like that. For the first few months when I still lived with Ena we were all pretty good friends, making my adjustment to this world a lot more easier. There were times when we would fight and argue, usually when Ena was sad or depressed and I wanted to comfort her. Moony would say to ignore her and that she's 'been here for runas knows how long' so she should learn how to control herself. Despite that Ena still loved hanging out with Moony saying that she's been a good friend for a very long time. As long as Ena was fine with it I was too, after all they were friends for a much longer time than me so I have no right to tell Ena to just leave Moony. But it was still mostly good times with all three of us.
I think we started drifting apart when I left Ena's house to live alone. I was incredibly grateful to them for everything they had done, but I felt like I was a burden to them.
The last time I saw Moony she completely ignored me. I would ask Ena what was wrong with her but she wouldn't really tell me anything. So now we're here looking for a gift for Moony and a way for us all to be friends again.

Ena suddenly grabs both my hands, surprising me.
"Are you feeling well, Y/N?" She asks, concern in her voice.
"Uh... yeah! It's just... thinking about" I stutter, trying to find the right words
"I'm just thinking about the past and... if I really want to be friends with...Moony again" I hesitated to say this because Ena very much cares for Moony, and I didn't want to trouble her with my feelings.
"I understand" she says, still clinging to me "Moony can be somewhat... emotionally awkward. But I know she means well"
I was surprised, usually Ena would say Moony still sees me as a friend and avoid the subject.
"But..." she continues "I would very much love it if you and Moony could reconnect... and we can all have fun again" her blue Side had taken over.
"I'm sowwy, fow making youw do this" she says while starting to cry "I'm sowwy fowr bewing so selfish"
"You're not forcing me to do anything Ena" I hug her, caressing her hair again.
"I Do want to be friends with Moony so don't say you're being selfish, okay?"
"...ok" she mutters.
After a few minutes Ena turns to her yellow side and gets out of the hug.
"Apologies Y/N I don't know what came over me" she says, her hands behind her back
"It's alright Ena. I know how you can get"
"Mmm yes. And I thank for you comforting me twice on this day" she says while beginning to walk away, causing me to jog a little to catch up.
"By the way Ena" I ask "how long have you known Moony?"
"That's a good question that I unfortunately can't answer" we walk past an old marble fountain with mannequins ballerina spinning around it.
"I understand" I say, Ena seems a little down right now so I won't pry anymore so I don't make her feel worse. But I do ask her a question I've been wondering since we got here.
"Uh Ena"
"yes Y/N?"
"Does this place actually have things we can buy? All the stores look empty" she smiles and look at me.
"Come Y/N. I will show you the way to the real stores"
She grabs my hands and pulls me into one of the dead shops entrances. When we went through the frame it suddenly turned pitch black with a list of words floating in front of us. Like a pop up window on a computer.
"What is this?!" I yelled
"This is a hub of sorts exclusive to this mall Y/N. This is where we can access the shops"
There were 5 words on the list.
And finally IKEA, which seemed somewhat familiar.
"Where should we go then?" I ask Ena.
She puts a finger to chin and stares at the list.
"I believe it would be best if we proceeded to this area" she levitates her hand and presses slateboordwrl.
Suddenly a blinding light stuns my eyes, causing me to wince in pain.

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