Chapter Nineteen - The Choice

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I wanted only what was best for you...

Hero didn’t want to hang her. He wanted to marry her.

While Felix and Mercy rushed the desk, Josephine sat in a blissful daze, struggling to absorb what had just transpired. She and Hero were going to be married. They were going to live the life she had dreamed of living with Hero. There would be long walks at sunset and hot chocolate in bed every morning.

Felix slammed his palms down on the desk. “Have you gone fucking mad, FT? Why should you reward her treachery by making her your duchess?”

Hero settled back in the chair, a smile playing around his lips. “You may be overestimating my charms. There are some who would argue that I'm no prize. Perhaps being wed to me will be all the punishment she deserves.”

Mercy shook her head so violently that a stray tendril of hair came tumbling out of her chignon. “I’ll never understand you. You won’t marry for love, but you’ll marry for revenge?”

“Who said anything about revenge? There’s no reason I can’t be as practical as our Miss Langford here." Hero shot Josephine a cool glance. “I require an heir. She can provide one for me. I told you I was ready to seek a bride before I left Deansbrook Hall. This way I won’t have to go to all the bother of courting one."

Mercy lowered her voice to a whisper, but it was still plainly audible to Josephine’s ears. “If you’re seeking to atone for your little indiscretion of last night, there are other, more prudent, ways to do so."

“What indiscretion?” Felix echoed loudly. "Oh, fuck, did I miss an indiscretion?”

“You could leave the girl with a nice fat purse with coins," Mercy hissed, jabbing an elbow Into Felix’s ribs. “Or even a monthly allowance if it would soothe your conscience."

Hero slanted her a chiding look. “Now, Mercy, you know that I haven’t any conscience to soothe."

“That might be what you want the world to believe, but I know better. You made a foolish mistake last night, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend the rest of your life doing penance for it. If you married every woman you seduced, Deansbrook Hall would be overflowing with your brides."

“I hate to admit it, but your cousin is right,FT,” Felix said. “And if you are ready to take a bride, you could have your pick of any girl in London. You don't have to settle for some lying little bit-"

“Felix!” Hero's narrowed eyes were all the warning his friend needed. “As I see it, I owe the girl my name, if nothing else."

“No, thank you.” Josephine's voice rang like a bell in the sudden silence. Mercy and Felix fell back as she rose to stand before the desk, shoulders rigid and head held high. “I’m afraid I shall have to decline your generous proposal, Your Grace. I don’t want your name. I don’t want to bear your heir. I don’t want your fortune. And I most certainly don’t want you. As a matter of fact, given your colossal arrogance, I do believe I’d rather be hanged than marry you."

Mercy and Felix both gasped. It had obviously never occurred to either of them that a mere country chit would have the audacity to refuse the duke’s exalted offer. But Hero merely lifted an eyebrow.

Although his gaze remained on Josephine, he said softly, “Perhaps it would be best if the two of you left us alone.”

“I really don’t think ...” Mercy began. “... that would be very wise," Felix finished.

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