14. zombie movies suck ass

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SET THE MOOD WITH A COMPLIMENT. the eyes are the window to the soul, compliment their outfit, buttering your date up will surely make them relax and get them comfortable.

START SOFT. Start slow with soft, gentle kisses and skip the tongue and the teeth — for now. If your partner seems receptive, you can move forward to French kissing.

...Skip the tongue and teeth?

STAY AT A MANAGEABLE LEVEL OF SALIVA. Avoid this fate by swallowing excess saliva occasionally-

Okay no,

Megumi wasn't doing this. He pocketed his phone back into his jeans, face heating up as his eyes made contact with the girl behind him and - from the mocking curve of her lips - she definitely just witnessed his desperate scrolling through WikiHow.

Just my luck.

Saved by the bell (or, in Megumi's case, the refreshments bartender of Cinemaplex), Megumi stepped forward and hastily blurted out their order.

"Two Large diet cokes and one Large popcorn bowl?... Oh yes, one medium sized nachos too? Anything else? Okay, that'll be 2400.56 ¥"

Megumi nodded blankly, holding up his debit card to signal that he's ready to pay, itching to get away from the smirking girl behind him.

She knows too much.

With a small bow, he thanked for the tray and sets off to find his date, eyes scanning the dimly lit corridor of the cinema for traces of the obvious pink.

It wasn't like he was nervous. He wasn't. He just... His few experiences in Junior High consisted of random girls' confessions in the hallways after class, girls whose names he never bothered to remember and one polite kiss from one of his classmates after Megumi was roped into playing spin-the-bottle at the end of the Firework festival two summers ago. Honestly, Megumi never cared much for crushes and all that. Tsumiki was the one with random, lame crushes every few weeks, not like she was the confessing type.

So yeah, this whole dating thing? Confusing.

Yuji was let out of the infirmary five days after Megumi's visit. Five days of back and forth texting, exchanging tik tok links and random memes Megumi found more dumb than amusing, but he still appreciated the notion. They didn't continue the conversation from that night, but they were moving in... a direction. This was more texting than usual for them and Megumi was restless to make up to Yuji for his first rejection, distract him from the fact that he was oblivious idiot and hopefully get him to like him again (not that Yuji didn't like him, but they hadn't talked about it properly yet so Megumi just wasn't sure.)

He did talk to Nobara about it though, much to Megumi's frustration, because yes, Nobara was nosy so of course she would pry him about it, but she also wouldn't tell Megumi anything from their conversations about literally him.

The most she did, and Megumi had to unfortunately agree it was a good idea (not that he'd ever tell her) - was suggesting Megumi to take him out on a date the day he gets out. She promised he'd "totally" appreciate it and it would be the "perfect show of affection" as well as give them time to talk out their.. "boy stuff".

Granted, a cinema wasn't exactly the BEST place to "talk" their... Boy stuff out, but Yuji loved movies and after spending so many nights with the two of them sprawled on the bed, talking over some shitty American remake of a Japanese classic or some random Avenger movie - Megumi thought... hoped, this could some familiar normalcy for Yuji.

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