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December 4th, 1994.

Y/N's POV:

As I sprinted to the potions classroom, the massive queue of fourth year Gryffindors and Slytherins became more clear. At the back of the line, I saw Dean, Seamus and Louis chatting. "You almost didn't make it, Y/N!" Seamus called out as I panted while facing the floor, one hand grabbing Seamus' shoulder and the other clutching my knee.

Professor Snape suddenly appeared on the other end of the line, his intimidation cut the noise down to absolute silence. "You may enter quietly but don't pick a desk yet." He said sternly. "Just stand around the front."

Students strode inside the classroom in a neat line, crowding at the front of the class with their friends. Unlike normal, the desks were rearranged to fit pairs. "Today, you'll be making the 'Wit-sharpening Potion' in pairs." People immediately turned to their best mate. "No. I already picked your pairs." Everyone sighed - Gryffindors sighed especially silently in fear of Snape using it as an excuse to deduct house points.

"The partnerships are as follows:" His voice projected across the room "Malfoy and Zabini.
Crabbe and Nott.
Parkinson and Greengrass.
Bulstrode and Davis.
Goyle and McLonnard.
Potter and Thomas.
Longbottom and Weasley.
Granger and Patil.
Knoxley and Finnigan.
And finally,
Partridge and Brown."

At the last partnership, my heart dropped. Why though? Jealousy? Two days into a relationship and I'm already down the path to be a jealous wreck. 'Y/N. Keep yourself together' I repeated in my head. At least I was with my best friend, right?

"Page 236. You may find a desk."

Seamus pulled me to a desk by the wall - around the area we usually sat at - "close enough to observe all the drama, far enough to remain secretive." was our motto when it came to seating choices. Louis sat in front of us, next to Harry and Dean's desk.

For most of the lesson, Lavender was somehow always making noise in the background, whether it was her high-pitched giggle or corny comments. Seamus and I cringed at it all, and it seems like Harry and Dean noticed them too. I never had a grudge at Lavender, one worth remembering at least, but she was one of those people that you can dislike from just meeting them.

It seemed like I remained calm and unbothered but internally, my blood was boiling. I tried to focus on the Wit-sharpening Potion to distract myself from Lavender. Surely she heard about Louis and I at dinner the other night - she can't be intentionally flirting with a clearly taken guy... right?

Seamus and I's potion seemed like it was on the right path so far. Thankfully, he hasn't messed up yet so we are clear of explosions for now.

Due to our well-chosen seats, we could eavesdrop on anyone - listening carefully for anything potentially useful for future fights and what not. It was more difficult than usual, though, because most of what I heard was just Lavender trying to be 'funny and quirky'.

Louis was an above-average potion maker, especially good with antidotes and theories. Him and I together had been first to complete many potions in class before. Lavender, on the other hand, was not gifted with potion-making skills in the slightest.

When Seamus and I glanced over their shoulders, we saw Lavender being particularly clumsy. She had just accidentally, or perhaps not, knocked a large bowl of ginger roots into their cauldron. It was probably thrice the required amount we were supposed to strictly follow so the potion bubbled into a turquoise; it was supposed to turn lime green after this step.

Seamus and I immediately turned to each other and broke into a fit of laughter.

"Whoops." Lavender said, her voice overly kiddish.

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