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Thank you so much for 100 reads! I know it may not seem like a lot but I really appreciate it. Also sorry for not updating a lot, I should be writing more after next Saturday.

Y/N's POV:
A week after he let me borrow it, I finally remembered to return Louis his jumper. I had washed it the day before so it was rid of the buttery popcorn scent.

While putting on my robe, I glanced at the clock. SHIT! It was already 8:45!

Louis' POV:
At breakfast, I was chatting to Harry and Neville and eating my sausage roll at the same time. Everyone was sitting together. Everyone except for Y/N. Breakfast was about to wrap up and she was still nowhere to be seen. At that moment, Y/N dashed into the Great Hall, in my direction. She stuck out an arm with my hoodie in it. "Sorry, I'm late..." she said, out of breath. "But here's your jumper back."

I pushed the jumper back to her and declined: "Keep it for a little longer; it looks good on you." She gave me a little smile and shoved the hoodie into her beige, tote bag along with her textbooks for the day.

"Sorry to interrupt," Hermione said. "But there's 5 minutes 'till class begins so we have to go."
"Yeah.." Ron agreed.

Y/N snatched 2 pumpkin pasties from the table and we waved goodbye to the others. Y/N, Neville and I headed off to the greenhouses for Herbology.

Munching on her pasties, Y/N was frolicking on the hill as we walked beside her on the wobbly footsteps.

I had just discovered Neville's passion for Herbology, something we had in common, so I was asking him about plants he liked. Neville was a clumsy, caring and courageous boy in my dorm. "Ta-da! We're here!" He said enthusiastically.

He was pointing at several greenhouses made of foggy glass panels all lined up side by side with serpentine dragon statues running along the roofs. The interior of the greenhouses had vines twisting on one side and hanging baskets on the other. Right down the middle there was a long table with arrays of magical plants on it. Each greenhouse had its own plethora of unique, exotic plants such as mandrakes and Fanged Geraniums.

"We're going to study in Greenhouse Three this year!" Neville pointed at the greenhouse and cheered.

A squat lady with curly, grey hair opened the door. "Hello, fourth years!" She greeted. "Now, everyone, enter the greenhouses and find yourself a spot to stand but don't touch anything!"
"That's Professor Sprout - Head of Hufflepuff." Y/N whispered in my ear.

Students filed into the greenhouse and stood on either sides of the table. It barely fit all of us in it.

Once everyone settled down, Professor Sprout turned around and said: "Well then, we have a new student." She looked at me and continued. "Mr Partridge. Welcome to Hogwarts... I was actually friends with the Beauxbatons Herbology teacher, you know, Adelaide Cortes. She said that you were very skilled at Herbology so I expect you will be doing fine in my class."
"Thank you... Professor." I awkwardly replied.

"Alright... today we'll be studying Wiggentrees. I trust you all have your textbooks?" The class nodded. "Very well then, turn to page 51 in 'Herbology for Fourth Years: Advanced Plants' by Natalia Rickford.

There was a sudden rumbling as everyone rummaged through their bag for the emerald green textbook. The letters on it hard cover were embossed in gold. I flicked through the textbook, admiring the crisp pages, until I reached page 51.

Throughout the lesson, I was helping Y/N with her assigned Wiggentree and discussing magical plants with Neville. Occasionally, Y/N would add to our conversation saying things like: "Nev, did you tell him about the time you were bitten by that Swedish plant?"

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