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This is my first ever Wattpad story and I'm trying my best. If there's any feedback/constructive criticism, I'd love to hear! Please try to not be hateful about it though.

Y/N's POV:
It's the 1st of September and I'm finally back on Platform 9 3/4. I'm returning for my fourth year at Hogwarts, now.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice shouted through the chaos of the platform.
"Y/N Knoxley!"

I spun around on my heel to see a pale, blonde boy jogging to me. "Draco!" I yelled back. He had a huge grin plastered across his face. I went in for a hug immediately and he hugged me back. "I've missed you so much!"

"I know you did!" He scoffed being his usual, arrogant self. I rolled my eyes.

An arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulder. "Hey, hey, hey!" I instantly recognized the greeting. Blaise. He hugged Draco and I.

As I turned around, I saw Pansy behind him. We had a minute or two to catch up then Draco's mum, Narcissa, informed us to go on the train because it was about to depart.

We all quickly said goodbye to our parents and boarded the Hogwarts Express. Luckily, we were able to claim a compartment before the train departed.

Throughout the whole train ride, everyone just gossiped and bragged about their summer. Meanwhile, I simply gazed out the window; admiring the British countryside. I'm usually very talkative. I guess just not today. The luscious plains, the green hills, the old stone walls. It was all so peaceful.

"Y/N? Y/N, we're almost there." Pansy said. The mention of my name put me out of my trance. At last, we arrived at Hogwarts. Once again, I passed through the magnificent gates guarding the school.

When we were finally allowed to enter the Great Hall, Draco, Blaise, Pansy and I rushed to our regular seats on the Slytherin table to refrain anyone from stealing it.

I could hear my stomach grumbling. I was so hungry - like I always was!

Professor Dumbledore emerged from his luxurious, throne-like chair. As always, he did his annual speech and sorted the first years into their houses.

"To the fourth years, there will be a new student joining you." Announced Professor Dumbledore. It caught my attention. "He moved back to England from France and previously attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Please welcome: Mr Louis Partridge."

"What? It can't be." I muttered in denial. "Am I dreaming?"

A brunette boy entered the Great Hall. His eyes caught mine and after a split-second, I jumped out of my seat. Sprinting across the hall to him, I could hear everyone gasping. Our arms clung onto each other as we hugged in front of the whole school. Half of the school stared in bewilderment while the other half was stunned by Louis' looks. However, we just ignored everyone as if nothing else existed.

when you returned | HP x Louis Partridge x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora