Chapter 1

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「Disclaimer: The story is set a few days before the red gate arc I guess? Jin-Woo is daddy levels here but not for a couple of chapters. Jin-Chul is a sweet dense baby. Who we must protect at all times. Unfortunately for us we can't but worry not! The Shadow Army has that covered!


Being heavily guarded by thousands of shadows. Jin-Chul knows nothing will come between his cuddle time with his husband.


A term he had not expected in all his life, this and the last one.

Unexpected? Yes.

Unpleasant? No.

Unfairly domestic and sweet? Yes.

Snuggling on that firm and warm chest he feels nothing but love and contentment.

Glancing at his husbands handsome (cue internal squeals) face. He wonders how on earth did he managed to get married to this hot stud?

Looking back... Jin-Chul realized that it all started with a text and ended with a promise.



Hello. Who is this?

this is hunter sung, we met in the hospital and taeshit raid?

Jin-Chul squints his eyes at the screen. Trying his best to recall. Hey just because he's the ace of KHA doesn't mean he can remember every hunter's names while running on caffeine only.

'Sung. Sung. Sung. Sung. Sung?'

Ah... The one on Hwang Dong-Su's shit list.

He remembers now.

Saving the number he wonders what he should type in the contact name? After much debate he settled on a simple Hunter Sung and replies.

Yes. I recall now.
What did you need?

Hunter Sung
Well i just found out that youre the one keeping my ass intact
So i just wanted to say thanks
and sorry for being a pain ya know

You're welcome.
But worry not, I do that for all the hunters as it is my job.

Hunter Sung
Speaking of jobs... heard from a old birdie you've been up for 3 days now.

Does this old birdie have a name?
Like let's say Go Gun-Hee, perhaps?

Hunter Sung
who knows?
all i know is that you need a hearty meal, a shower and a bed to collapse in

hopefully mine|

Thank you for the advice.
I'll go do that after this.
Have a nice day.

Hunter Sung
You too

Jin-Chul closes his phone and rubs his temples. Feeling his vision go blurry for a second. Before going back to typing his sincere apologies to the Representative of Denmark.

(Why? Because their S-Ranks had the guts to insult him right to his face. And being the most level-headed hunter in all of Korea. He was the one typing the letter. Because god knows what those loose cannons will type in. Probably in the lines of "You suck." "Fuck you." "I'm better than you.")

He will rest once he's finish with this.

Or at least that was the plan...

Until his subordinate broke open his office door. (Which he will deduct from his pay.) Just to yell out, "We have news that Hunter Hwang Dong-Su is coming to Korea!"

(He wonders if the reason Hunter Sung had messaged him. Was because he had caught wind of Hwang Dong-Su's arrival?)

Well there goes his plans of going home for the day.

Too bad... He kind of misses his bed.


「Author's Note:」

I kind of have a headcanon where Jin-Woo doesn't text properly? Like it's all over the place and balances out Jin-Chul polite and proper texts. Then when daddy mode appears he's gonna be mwah! Chef's kiss. Next chapters gonna be messy and I'm loving it!

If it's too ooc then it's probably my tired brain talking. I hope I do this ship justice!❤ Just wrote this on a whim as I try to edit my chapters for my other fics.

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