Through The Lens

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'Beep, beep, beep, beep...' was the sound of my alarm clock going off at 6:00AM for class. I sluggishly rolled over and lazily hit the snooze button silencing the loud and obnoxious machine. I rested, laying on my back gazing at the ceiling watching the dust particles float through the air in the golden sun beams peering through my blinds slightly lighting up my dark room.

As I laid there, I watched the sun glisten through the blinds and slowly move around the room as large clouds passed by incasing my room in darkness for a few moments only to be lit up after a couple of seconds, seeming to be brighter than before. I slowly raised my arm to the ceiling blocking some of the rays and watching them light up my skin causing it to glow before letting my hand fall back down and rest at my side.

'Beep, Beep, Beep...' my alarm clock was going off again just five minutes after I hit the snooze button. It was time to get up now. I raised my hand and pressed the snooze button twice to silence the mechanism for good.

I slowly stepped out of bed, standing in front of the window that was placed directly above my nightstand. I peered through the glass that was directed right towards the metroplex, watching people greet each other and cars pass by occasionally honking adding to the chaos that was the city.

I sighed wishing that I didn't move to the city and lived far, far away in silence so I could think and imagine. "Just another day..." I said to myself as I meandered to the bathroom. I opened the door slowly to avoid the loud squeak it would make every now-and-then but it was a fruitless attempt. The door creaked loudly causing me to scrunch up my face and grit my teeth.

I flipped the light switch, listening to the low buzzing it made before the lights finally turned on just barley lighting up the bathroom. You would think living on campus with be nicer than getting an apartment but it seemed to be just as bad.

I stepped further inside and pulled back the black shower curtain and twisted the dial until it couldn't turn anymore. The sound of rushing water quickly filled the small room as the shower head began spewing out water. I placed my hand under the water on occasion to make sure it was nice and hot. Steam soon began accumulating from the liquid indicating that it was ready. I removed my shirt tossing it over into the corner where I put all of my dirty clothes before washing them. I glanced over at the mirror above the sink studying my frame and build. The steam slightly fogging up the glass making the reflection a bit blurry giving it character.

I lifted up my hands and formed a fake camera with my fingers and pretended to take a picture and smiled. "Say cheese." I said to myself. I then started to remove my pajama pants, removing one leg at a time also tossing them to the corner and then my boxers. The warmth from the steam now pressing against my bare skin caused the bits of hair on my arm to stand up. I stepped into the shower feeling the scolding hot water crash into my skin. I closed my eyes Imaging I was in a photoshoot far away in the rain. Capturing portrait photo's of every last water droplet streaming down my face and body. Me posing for the camera as the photographer captured every angle and detail known to man. Telling a story out of just pixels from a device.

I was snapped from my trance as the water had run cold, making me shiver uncontrollably. Usually it last longer than thirty minutes but I guess not today. I stepped out of the shower and onto the cold bare floor, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my waist. I took a deep breath walking over to the foggy mirror, using my hand to wipe some of the mist away creating the annoying sound when rubbing wet glass. I peered into the mirror watching the water droplets drip from my hair and fall into the sink below me. I studied my eye's, fascinated as I watched them dilate similar to a camera focusing it's lens. "Just like a camera, you take information in through this 'lens' and store it for later." I thought to myself before the mirror began fogging back up again, sending me slowly fading away.

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