Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I suppose we could. But then again, time is of the essence. I'm very experienced, you see. Over twenty years in this business! And I find that it is usually the women—wives, fiancées, girlfriends—who make the decisions. Men are generally less fussed."

Glinda did not have the energy to argue about one-dimensional stereotypes, let alone her relationship to Fiyero. She let her talk but barely listened anymore, taking to regularly inspecting her watch instead.

"Carparks, as well as storage units, can be rented for an additional fee," the agent mentioned at some point, turning around abruptly and pressing a glossy pamphlet into the startled blonde's hand.

"I don't think we'll need either," replied Glinda distractedly, folding the pamphlet and taking out her phone to check it for any messages.

Then, an energetic knock on the door frame.

"Sorry for barging in like this," said Fiyero, entering the room with a spring in his step and a wide grin on his face.

Mrs. Frupp was quick to intercept his path. "Excuse me, sir. Please wait outside. This is a private viewing."

Stifling a giggle, Glinda walked over to him and wrapped her arm around his.

"No, it's alright. This is Fiyero." Smiling up at him, she covertly used the chance to ask him through her teeth where the heck he'd been all this time.

"Oh. I see."

The odd pitch of the woman's voice claimed her attention before he could give an answer. She found it hard to tell whether the agent was at all trying to conceal her disapproval when her gaze jumped back and forth between the blonde Gillikinese girl and the tanned Vinkun boy. Realising that at least some of her reprobation stemmed from her misguided conclusion that the two of them were a couple, Glinda decided to play it up a notch.

"Come, darling," she beamed at Fiyero, squeezing his arm a little tighter, "you simply have to see the bathroom. The tub is huge, and it has spa jets!"

Rather confused, Fiyero allowed her to guide him through the entire place, listening to her recounting most of the information the real estate agent had earlier bestowed upon her, peppered with a few of her own observations and thoughts. The in-depth tour was just as deliberate as her girlfriend charade. Glinda's impression of the other woman had gone from 'slightly annoying' to 'downright insufferable,' and after a frustrating day at work, she had no scruples taking some of her occasional pettiness out on her.

Towards the end of their inspection, she asked her to give them a minute or two alone.

"What was that all about?" Fiyero asked with his eyebrows raised.

Glinda craned her neck to ensure Mrs. Frupp was truly gone before answering.

"I didn't like the way she looked at you, so I provoked her a little. Long story. Why in Oz were you so late, leaving me to deal with that old bat all on my own?"

"Was it bad? I didn't think I was that late," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "You could have waited for me, no?"

"Well, suffice to say, time is apparently a lot of money when it comes to the housing market. Anyway; what do you think?"

"Quite big. Do you mind it being so close to your work? I think I saw your office from the guestroom window."

"It would be your place, not mine," Glinda laughed. "Besides, when would I ever stare out of the guestroom window?"

Stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets and shifting from one leg to the other, he flashed her a sheepish grin.

Glinda's brow furrowed.

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