Start from the beginning

"You should go with them."

She scoffed, "And leave you alone? No way."

"Afraid I'll screw things up?"

"Oh absolutely," she joked.

He let a grin slip onto his face. She briefly glanced at him as she gathered papers in her hand.

"On a serious note...I'd trust you with anything," she admitted, "Even if it means going to jail if we fail."

"We won't," he assured.

She handed him papers to toss in the fire beside them. When she went to get more, she heard a creak in the old floorboards. Jack glanced at her after hearing it too.

She quickly dodged out of the room and slid into the one across from it, hiding behind the door. Jack hid in the room with the fireplace, somehow parkouring up a shelf.

Eva waited with baited breath as two pairs of footsteps came in their direction. She didn't dare to breathe as they passed, afraid that the slightest thing would tip them off.

Once they'd passed, she slipped out of the room and crept down the hallway. She tried to go towards the remaining stack of papers they needed to burn.

But as she made her way over, she ran into an agent as she turned the corner. His shock gave her enough time to push him back into the kitchen.

He hit his back on the sink and dropped his gun. Eva grabbed a nearby pan and swung, hitting his incoming arm that tried to grab her. The collision made a loud bang, alerting Jack and agent Rhodes.

Jack instantly came running, unaware that Rhodes was right behind him. He barged into the kitchen and took over for Eva in order to protect her.

He grabbed the agent's jacket and twisted it. As he pushed his hands into the sink, Eva turned on the garbage disposal. The man's arms were halfway pulled down the drain.

Eva turned to run out but Rhodes was right there. She instinctively punched out and hiked her knee up, hurting him both times.

Jack pushed her out of harms way and took care of the man himself.

"Get the papers!"

She nodded and reluctantly left him to fight with the agent. She ran around the apartment collecting the papers they needed to burn. As she passed her room, she paused in the doorway.

Her eye caught sight of the jacket she'd forgotten to pack. It was the one gift Jack had given her and she intended on keeping it. She quickly snatched and threw it on before continuing on her mission.

She managed to throw some papers in the fire but was interrupted by Jack and Rhodes barging in. She maneuvered out of their way and Jack shouted at her to leave.

She ran out of the apartment with him on her heels. They dove into the garbage chute together, followed by Rhodes. Eva was the first to land, gracefully rolling out of the mound of trash bags they'd landed in.

The papers she still had fell out of her pocket. Jack was quick to grab them before Rhodes could collect himself from the rough fall. The two magicians began sprinting through their exit point.

They made it to an alley that connected to the backs of shops and restaurants. Eva quickly dove through one of the doors and pulled Jack along with her, navigating through a series of complicated paths.

They eventually emerged on a sidewalk, having lost Rhodes. They acted cool since the car in front of them was an undercover FBI vehicle.

They were stopped by the two agents watching the car. Jack reacted quickly and twisted their arms behind their backs. Eva dodged their punches and kicked down their knees to make it easer for Jack.

She tossed him handcuffs and held their hands down as he caught and twisted them. He delivered the final shove that made them topple before they both hopped in the car.

Rhodes hit the back of their car just as the tires squealed against the pavement. Jack dangerously drove through the streets and weaved in between cars to move faster.

They jerked and swiveled numerous times. Eva was okay until they almost hit an large semi-truck, narrowly missing the window of safety.

"Watch the car!" she shouted fearfully. He ignored her and focused on driving. She didn't say anything again as she looked over her shoulder to see Agent Alma and Rhodes following them.

Her attention was brought back to his driving as her head nearly hit the window from the force of the turn.


"Why didn't you drive?" he yelled. He didn't mean to snap but given the circumstances, it was understandable.

"Because you won rock, paper, scissors!"

He rolled his eyes as he made it into the bridge. Eva scouted up ahead and spotted the bus and taxi that would be their rescue. She pointed to it and leaned forward.

"Right there!"

He pressed the gas pedal harder. As he dodged through the cars, the agents behind them got even closer. Eva looked behind to make sure they were still a good distance away.

Jack neared the back of the bus. The taxi, which Henley was driving, slowed just enough to let them squeeze in and get in front of the bus. Jack stayed steady as the bus unclipped the identical car.

Eva smirked mischievously and turned to her partner, "Ready to die?"

He merely whooped in response.

She giggled and turned back to watched the car. Once it was released it crashed into the side of the blockade between lanes. Eva saw the police vehicles screeched to a stop as they thought the car was the one Jack and her were in.

Jack looked in the rear view mirror and cheered at the victory. A wide grin crossed his face and he drummed his hands along the wheel.

Eva let out a sigh of relief and slumped in her chair. She cracked a smile as well. Jack kept glancing between her and the road, a look of permanent happiness etched on his face.

Eva closed her tired eyes and laughed,

"I need a drink."


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