Jackie noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under his closet door. Intrigued, Jackie found himself walking towards it. He knew he probably shouldn't snoop but then again, Anti was out cold. What would be the harm in taking a peek?

He opened the closet door and he actually expected to feel bad for being nosy. But he was just confused.

Jackie chuckled a little, 'He likes to doodle, huh?' he picked up the piece of paper that had been sticking out from under the closet door. It was a picture of Sean's Septiceye logo.

Jackie saw where it had fallen out of, 'Must have dropped out of this sketchbook. Wonder why he has it hidden away like this?'

He took it in his hand and opened it to put the drawing back inside. But then he saw why it was hidden away.

He felt awful.

There were more drawings. Some repeated. Jackie's curiosity built up and he flipped through the pages only to see drawings of the Septic egos. And Anti had drawn himself in with them as part of the group.

And here coming to Anti's apartment, he had wanted to be angry at Anti from the start all over again.

'I need to do something for him. Make him see everything's alright between us since I can't stay until he wakes up'

Jackie stared at the multiple drawings of the Septiceye logo. Anti seemed to really love the Septiceye Sam Sean had made up. Even if the eye wasn't real, they were actually happy it wasn't. It was a little creepy but Anti really seemed to have liked the idea of it. 

Jackie hesitantly closed the sketchbook and put it back in its place in the closet. He left the room and closed Anti's bedroom door and set to work.

The next day, Anti woke up foggy and lazy. He felt like BB and stretched in his bed, not wanting to get up or do anything.

'What's the point?'

But he DID want coffee . . . so . . . .

Anti hopped out of bed albeit slowly and trudged to the kitchen.

He stopped himself and stared at the floor in the living room, 'I could have sworn I didn't clean that blood up last night . . . Did I, though, and just don't remember?'

He didn't notice the note on the fridge yet.

Anti made his cup of coffee, added his sugar and cream and sipped on it a couple times before cracking his back and going to the bathroom.

Only . . . his bathroom was clean.

'Now I KNOW I didn't clean up my mess last night. There was gauze and blood literally EVERYWHERE'

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and walked back out to the living room to inspect everything again.

'What's going on?'

He turned towards his small kitchen and finally saw the bright green post it note on the fridge.

"Hm?" he walked over and read it, realizing it wasn't his hand-writing.

Dear Anti,

Don't worry about yesterday. I know now it wasn't you. I know Sean was controlling you and Marvin thinks so, too. He could feel your emotions or something like that. Anyway, we'll still hang out sometime this week. I'll nag Marv into making more of that potion since I doubt Sean'll just LET me out to do whatever anymore. 

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