Chapter One

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Hey, thanks for checking out my story! I'm writing this for fun so please don't make fun of me :) Feel free to point out any mistakes and there probably will be quite a few (I'm dyslexic lol) 

Just some background information on this story:

-Y/N is 19 years old and a citizen of L'manburg

- Y/N and Tommy are kind of like best friends in this story and their basically the trouble makers of the server

- This is set in a realistic minecraft world and everyone only has one canon life

- Some of the storyline won't match up with the DreamSMP's because I may have altered it to fit mine

- There will be NO SMUT (sorry to all the horny people lmao) but there will be a few pretty heated scenes and sexual jokes

Anyways that's all so enjoy!


I smile to myself as me and Tommy both make it out of L'manburg without getting caught. We were going to chop more wood since we both wanted to build a massive wooden tower to annoy everyone. We had argued with each other about what type of wood we were gonna build it out of because I wanted dark oak but Tommy wanted normal oak. I ended up giving in to Tommy since we would have to travel further to find a dark oak forest, but I still think dark oak is sexier.

We quietly creep away from the walls of L'manburg and into the depths of the forest, keeping quiet until we knew no one could hear us. We both didn't dare to speak until we were deep into the forest. The first thing we did was look at each other. And then burst out laughing. 

"Oh my god, that was so easy!" Tommy laughed. I calmed myself before talking. 

"Okay well we better be quick before Wilbur finds out that we're missing." I said. Not trying to sound vain, but I credit myself to be the smarter one of our duo. Although Wilbur always says that me and Tommy shares only 3 braincells between us. 

Tommy suddenly gasped. I spun around quickly. 

"What?" I asked, concerned. 

"I just saw something behind that tree, I think it was a fox! I'm going to go and tame it!" He says excitedly. I punch his arm and gave him a look. 

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR WOMAN?" He shouts, rubbing his arm

"You scared me! I thought it was Wilbur or someone!" 

"Whatever, I'm going to find that fox now"



"Don't get kidnapped"

"Don't die"

 Tommy walked off into the trees. I stare into that space for a while and then take out my diamond ax. I start hacking away at the tree in front of me and then collected the logs and put them into my bag. I was about to start cutting down a second tree when I heard rustling coming from behind me. Uncertainly, I hold my ax in a defensive position and I walk towards where the sound came from. 

"Hello?" I call out. No answer. "Tommy, is that you?" 

I was greeted yet again by silence. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of bright green that didn't fit into the dark surroundings of the forest. I only caught a glimpse of it but it was enough. I felt wind being pushed towards me as a sword was brought down upon me, but clashed against my ax as I turned around and blocked the attack. I looked up at my attacker and felt a knot in my stomach tighten as I recognised his face. Or rather, his mask. He was dressed in a neon green hoodie, fingerless gloves and black jeans. He was about the same height as Tommy, if not a little taller, but it wasn't his height I was worried about since I could easily beat Tommy in a 1v1 combat and he was a lot taller than me. No, I would basically be committing suicide if I tried to take him on. The best chance of survival that I have is to keep defending myself and somehow escape. I'm still working on the escape part. 

He lifts his glowing purple sword again and I take note of the material. Netherite. The best that you could get. I block his attack again with my diamond ax that wasn't even enchanted. There was no way I would win this fight. 

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night by yourself, huh?" He spoke in a low, gravelly voice. I didn't answer him as I was constantly blocking his attacks. 

"Don't ignore me."

 He brought his sword down onto my ax once again, except this time with a lot more force than before, causing me to stumble backwards and fall onto the ground. He raised his sword and I rolled away just in time and his sword pierced the very ground I was just lying on mere seconds ago. I felt my already racing heartbeat beat faster as I recognized my near-death. He looked around him looking for me as I was dressed in dark clothes unlike him and blended into the surroundings more easily. I take this as an opportunity to run. Unfortunately for me, my short legs only got me so far and he caught up with me easily. I felt the air being knocked out of my lungs as he slammed me into a tree, his sword to my throat. I cough as I try and regain my breath. He spoke again, his voice ringing in my ears.

"You know, it's rude to leave a guy hanging like that. Did Wilbur not teach you basic manners?" 

I glared at him. "You know, it's rude to hold a knife up to someone's throat. Did you, the king of the SMP, the great fighter, our greatest enemy, not know that?"

"So you can talk." He says, amused. Like this was nothing but a game to him. "And you already know who I am."

"Of course I know who you are Dream." I rolled my eyes. I suddenly see a glimpse of red behind the tall man, but I keep my vision on Dream as I didn't want to give anything away. 

"You're right. I am the king of the SMP" He leaned in closer and as he whispered into my ear, I could feel his hot breath pouring down my neck at his next words. "So show some respect." I felt the blade of his sword push deeper against my neck but I did not give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain as I kept my face dead straight. 

"Sorry" I mutter, fully aware of the thin line of blood starting to drip down my neck. 

"What was that?" He said with a sneer in his voice. I let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I say again, this time clearer.

"That's what I thought-"

"I'm sorry because I'm afraid I've only been stalling." I say. From behind him, a flash of red and white leaped out at him, sword in hand.

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