Ring shopping

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Sebastian knocks on Beck's door "Can I come in"Ask Sebastian

"Yeah!" yells Beck as Sebastian walks in

"Hey I know it's been hard on you with learning at this high of a level with school so I'm getting you a tutor"

"Thanks, Dad"


"My biological dad he's a jerk for knocking up my mom and not taking responsibility you've been a dad to me more than he could ever be your my dad"

"I'm glad to hear that do you wanna go somewhere"

"Yeah sure"

2 minutes later in the car:

"So where we going" Ask Beck

"Uhh well I uhh want to ask your mother to marry me and I was thinking maybe you could help me find a ring for her if it's okay with you"

"Yeah sure" Beck gulped out it wasn't that he didn't like Sebastian it's just he always thought before Quinn meet Sebastian that his parents would find their way back together and be happy together

"Beck you sure I want your permission before asking your mother to marry me"

"You make my mom happy and all I want is to see her happy you're an awesome dude I wouldn't want her marrying anyone else"

"Then let's go buy a ring"

"And number one trending we have Finn Hudson's until again" With that Sebastian turns off the radio

"Why you turn it off that's my favorite song"

"I don't like Finn Hudson"

"Why!? "

"I just don't"

"Give one reason"

"He uhh has been in and out of rehab a few times he's just not a good guy in general"

"How do you know that?"

"I know him"


"I just do alright"


In the car after buying the ring:

"Wow that's really nice" Says Beck

"You think your mom would like it?"Ask Sebastian

"She'd love it"

"I think so too"

"So how you going to ask her? " Ask Beck

"I don't know yet maybe go to the beach or something I don't know yet"

"She'd like the beach"

"I know"

"So when? "

"Give me some time"

"Fine, I'm just really excited for you guys!"

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