Permission to marry her

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Finn:Uhh Mom Santana and her mom invited us for dessert your all invited


Carole:Oh okay I guess

At Santana's house Quinn and Santana chatting on the couch:

Santana:How have you been

Quinn:I've been okay I have to throw up a lot Finn thinks it's twins

Santana:What makes him say that

Quinn:I don't know all I know is that we're finally dating

Santana:Your dating finally!

Quinn:Yeah finally

Santana:What are you going to do with the baby

Quinn:We're going to keep

Santana:My best friend is going to be a mommy

Quinn:Yeah and one of my best friends is going to be a dad and my other is going to be an aunt

Santana:A aunt! Me!

Quinn: You're like a sister to me

Santana:Aunty Snix

Quinn:Aunt Santana I'm not letting my children call you that

Santana:So you want more

Quinn:Yes I do want more than one baby

Santana:With Finn

Quinn:Yes with Finn

Santana:So you get a sonogram yet

Quinn:No not yet tomorrow

Santana:What do you want it to be

Quinn:I'm okay with whatever I feel like it's a boy though

Santana:Just admit it you want a little girl to play with hair and talk about boys

Quinn:I'm fine with either

Santana:Whatever Q

Quinn:Where's your mom

Santana:She's in the kitchen

Quinn:Can I say hi

Santana:Yeah bring Finn in too


Meanwhile, Finns talk with Rachel:

Finn:So of red plus blue equals purple so purple plus red equals blue



Quinn:(puts her arms around him)Babe


Quinn:I want to introduce you to Maribel Santana's mom

Finn:Sure (gets up and puts his arm around Quinn)

Quinn:(walks into the kitchen)Hi

Maribel:Hello Quinn how are you!

Quinn:I'm good this is my boyfriend and baby daddy Finn

Maribel:Hi I'm Maribel

Finn:Nice to meet you

Maribel:You too how has the morning sickness been

Quinn:Awful it's more of every second of everyday sickness (holds her mouth and runs to the bathroom)

Santana:I'll go after her

Finn:Thanks uhh Mrs.Lopez

Maribel:It's Maribel

Finn:Sorry Maribel but I know Quinn's parents are no longer with us but Quinn said you were like a second mom to her I'm in love with her out don't know if Quinn feels the same way or even loves me yet but when that day comes do I have your permission to marry her

Maribel:Yes of course you have my permission


Maribel:I can tell by the way Quinn looks at you that she loves you and you love her

Finn:Cool I'm gonna run to the bathroom check in on her ya know

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