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We were on the water at eight this morning and by eleven, we were no longer beating the heat. I lost Fischer when he sped around the bend and now that the lake is starting to fill up, it's hard to find him in the sea of jetskiers. I came out here because I thought fucking around on the lake with my friend would distract me from the five foot-six brunette that came in and kicked a hole in my heart last night. I knew seeing her was going to be hard, I just didn't realize how hard until I saw her digust over my tending to the bachlorette party. Her hardened face when Hannah came and grabbed me proved we still have pent up anger towards each other. Our one spat in the parking lot two months ago is still clearly fresh and she still clearly hates me.

I glance down to my dash and see I still have enough fuel to make it back to the loading dock but not enough to continue trying to find him somewhere on Lake Pleasant. I'm idling on the shimmering water and the crowded lake is starting to send harsher waves my way. My jetski sits higher than his does, so I am sure he's getting bounced around out here. A spray of lakewater covering my sunglass lenses blocks my view, so it's even harder to find his white and orange jetski.

He knows I have class at one, so he can't dick around too much longer. There was a time I'd blow class off to fuck around on the lake, but not this close to graduation. He'll know to meet at the dock which is always our meeting spot, so I rev the handle and get back moving. I'm glad it was just us two this morning that decided to get up and get on the water because anytime I am on any kind of timeframe, it's like herding cats to get off the water. My group of friends like to sprawl out across the water, some jet ski around the massive lake, while others find empty bay's to control the waves so they are able to do tricks. If Taylor comes, I know he'll have a flock of women wanting to drink and chill on his pontoon, no one eager to leave until they are fried and toasted. I've learned the hard way that I can't hang out with Taylor on days I have class.

The water cools me down as I slice through the harsher waves and my entire torso is getting a workout as I maintain my balance across the lake. I think of Lucy soaring off the back of my seat the last time the waves were this high after refusing to wrap her arms around my lifevest. I smirked at her as I fished her out of the water and her freezing hands remained tightly around me after that. She used to be my weekend boating buddy and I've missed her company. She would love to just perch herself on the back of my jet ski and cruise around the lake all day because she never felt comfortable lounging on Taylor's pontoon with his "lake rats." She for some reason never saw it as an opportunity for her to also meet guys, she always just saw it as an opportunity for me to flirt with girls. I eventually figured out her anti-socialness was due to her insecurities, so I started taking her around the lake alone. While they were blasting 90s rap and sucking down White Claws, we'd go and find cliffs to jump off of or bays to swim around in. She was thinking of buying her own jetski right before she met Blake. He eventually commandeered her weekends and he was never a fan of hanging with our group on the water.

When I finally make it back to the smaller dock that sits near the loading dock, I fish my waterproof bag out from under the seat and find my phone. I text him to let him know where I am and I see that I need to be hitched back up and driving away from the loading dock in less than twenty minutes if I am going to shower before class. I'm sure my classmates wouldn't enjoy the lakewater smell wafting around the classroom.

I know I could get my trailer into the water and the jetski tied back up myself, but it's so much faster and smoother with two people. I also don't want to leave him behind because his trailer can be a bitch to get straight. I glance around the docking area again but only see speed boats and pontoons being launched. When I turn toward the no-wake zone, I spot a hot pink jetski floating toward the docks and my stomach tightens. I know exactly who the blonde sitting on top is and she calls my name out when she sees me.

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