The Birth of a Royal

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writers note: please comment and share your ideas for this story. (: tell me if you like it and tell me if you want more. i have some plans for it but i could use your ideas too!

        It was a bitter winter night and the wail of new life echo throughout the corridors of the castle. A maiden lay in her bed looking ravished and tired. In her arms she held a beautiful baby girl with a head of orange locks. She looks down at her baby love filling her eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek. A happy tear, a tear that showed she loved this child so much it hurt. The baby cried and cried and the mother held her closer.

"hush dear." The mother soothed. "welcome to this world my child, may you flourish." Her voice was soft.

"may I take the baby now my queen?  You need your rest." Said a young girl with brown hair that was down to her waist. The girl was far too young to have a child of her own, none the less the queen handed her precious bundle over to the girl with a longing stare as she carried the child out of the room and down to the nursery where she would be tended to by the nursemaid.

                The queen lay back into her soft, down filled bed. She let out an exhausted sigh and closed her eyes. she was about to drift off into the clutches of sleep but she was awoken by the sound of the wooden door creaking open. She blinked her eyes open with a flutter, she saw her Husband standing at the foot of her bed. It had been a while since she had seen him, which wasn't odd for a royal couple. "where is the child?" he asked his voice was short and firm.

"it is a girl..." the queen told him, "you have not been blessed with an heir." She waited for his outburst of anger that the gods had not given him what he desired but it never came.

She felt his warm hand press against hers and she looked into his pale blue eyes.

"Where is she, I must see her."

"the nursery" the queen replied.

What a turn of events, last time Aislin birthed a daughter to the king, he threw a fit of anger. He raged that he hadn't an heir to the throne and he tossed things across the room and cursed the darkened skies to the gods.

He wanted nothing to do with the child, he ignored her existence completely. Sadly a few seasons later the infant died from a sickness that ravaged the court. Aislin and her Husband were kept safe from the spread of disease but it was a tragic shame that the child was not. Aislin was dreaded with deep sadness for the loss of her beautiful child, but the king showed no emotion. Not even at the burial of poor Dalia when the infant was lowered into the earth in a small cedar casket lined with the finest silk and decorated with the finest gems. As the priest called up to the heavens, Aislin burst to tears. Her husband pressed a hand to her shoulder in sympathy.

It had been a grim day, and season but joy returned to court in the spring when Aislin announced that she was with child yet again. The trees were budding their soft pink and white flowers  and sprigs of grass shot up from the barren ground. The air was filled with the sweet scent of new life and new beginning. As seasons do spring passed on into the New Leaf and the flower petals began to fall replaced by lush green leaves that swayed in the humid breeze, not long after came the Leaf Fall when the colors change from healthy and green to vibrant reds and yellows that fall to the ground and cover the land in a mixture of colors. Then the snow came and the cold months of winter where here the land looked barren covered in a blanket of soft fluffy snow, this is when Aislin gave birth to her second child, a baby girl with a head of orange hair like her father.

In the nursery the Nursemaid was holding the swaddled baby rocking her gently from side to side and humming a soft tune. The king opened the door and poked his head in . The nursemaid bowed her head respectfully as he entered the room and made his way over to her. She handed him the child without being asked. The king took the little baby into his arms and she began to wail. Her wail was high pitched and ear splitting. Desprately he tried to silence her by rocking her like he had seen the nursemaid but she wouldn't stop the tears and the wails.

"may I suggest a tune, your majesty?" the nursemaid said quietly and hoped that she had not been thickheaded and spoken out of turn. 

She did not make eye contact with the king, instead she kept her eyes fixed on the swaddled bundle in his arms. The king gave a curt nod and began to hum and not shortly after the child was silent. Her eyes were not fully open yet and her tiny hands aimlessly thrashed around. The king looked at her like like he had never looked at anyone before. He held her and gazed apon her and a smile crept across his face. "Corwin, her name will be Corwin and she will be the finest queen this land has ever known."

"A lovely name my lord." The nursemaid said

"A lovely name indeed." he replied. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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