I know she's missing her mom and her older sister that why she's acting out. So I try not to be harsh on her because she's just a child and doesn't know any better. "Alright, you can keep it," Aisha ran upstairs to her bedroom

Yara's IG Post

*******Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

@yara_noura_: Our very first IG picture together

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@yara_noura_: Our very first IG picture together

@princess_zara: omg my silver shoes are pretty here💕

2.5 million likes and 500 comments

4.9 million followers, 500 followings, and 103 posts

Omniscient's Pov

*****Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Weddings in Saudi are segregated. Women have their weddings and men have theirs. The groom does make an appearance at the lady's hall by the end of the wedding. This is how it goes. The wedding starts at about 9 pm and guests start arriving from 10-11 pm or even later depending on how much they want to see.

 The wedding starts at about 9 pm and guests start arriving from 10-11 pm or even later depending on how much they want to see

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 Some only come to fulfill their social duty, make an appearance, and leave. Guests are usually dressed up and the level of dressing up depends on the relation to the bride or groom. For instance, if you are the bride's sister or close cousin you are expected to almost match the fanciness of the bride herself minus the dress color of course. Since weddings are segregated, women do not have to wear their headcovers and modest clothing, so hair and makeup are all done. A few years back, the trend was so much makeup with crazy designs, but these days it's the "naturally glamorous" look. Straight hair is usually the preferred style most girls go for, but the hairdos are still kind of trendy. Usually, the bride's and the groom's family will be the ones whose they are done. When guests arrive, they usually leave their phone cameras in a locker before entering the main wedding hall.

Most close family members do not need to do that. This is just a precaution so women's uncovered pictures don't get publicized. 

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