Chapter 1 - Shoot to thrill

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Shoot to thrill!

"Heads up, Christmas tree!" Tony swings you down to hit Loki right in the chest. Rolling over, you get up with a groan. "Damn, Stark, thanks, but I definitely should have stretched,"

"Make your move, reindeer games," Tony raises his blasters and other weapons as you catch your breath. Gold shimmered over the fallen figure, both his hands raised. Cap was quick to lock the culprit up in shackles, Natasha patting your back when you finally regained composure.


"Why is it out of all the people to try and take over the world it had to be the most good looking?" You scowl as Tony snorts.

"Y/n, this isn't funny," Cap moved his gaze from Loki to you.

"I know, it's infuriating," you pout mockingly and turn to the assassin, whispering, "Romanoff, back me up, if he wasn't batshit crazy you'd tap that, right?"

"Whatever makes you happy, L/n,"

"A nice chocolate bar would make me happy," turning back you catch a small smirk on Loki's face, eyes fixed on the wall across him.

Thunder rumbled above head, the god's face falling as he looked for something. This caused Cap to smirk, "scared of a little lightning?"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," he breathes out to Cap as you tilt your head.

"What does he mean by that?" The solider looks to you.

"If he's Loki as in... Norse Loki meaning- Thor?" You murmur absently, jumping when the door was pulled open and cold winds enveloping the interior.


"Fuck me!" You scream, falling through the branches of the forest with a whine. "Thanks, Nat!" You yell up to the passing jet.

Opening the tracking, it showed you were a small run from where Tony had decided to land. Earphones in, you knew it would take a while, feet sliding down the soil, the journey started.

Grunts and blasts of both lightning and energized rays hit trees around. Cap had intervened causing the three to start arguing with threats and such.

"Run, run, runaway, baby, before I put my spell on you!" You sing out posing on the top of a hill, sliding down and continuing the song.

God, super soldier and billionaire look to see you dancing with your eyes closed, Bruno Mars lyrics leaving your lips.

"L/n!" Steve calls only for Tony to blast the tree next to you.

"Jesus fuck!" You tumble down the hill with a pout, landing like a rag doll. "Seems like we're done here?"

"Are you done?" Tony helps you up easily.

"With being annoying? Never,"

Loki leaned forward, watching you interact with the men with an annoyed look. Of all Midgardians, the most childish was chosen to be on a team to defeat him? "Honestly, have these people no standards?"


"So, God of thunder, what's that like?" You ask Thor as the Quinjet took off again, a medical kit in your hand that Nat handed to you.

"Well, there's a lot of lightning," he explains.

"Woah! No, really??" You gasp. "I kinda got that," cleaning up a small cut that got through your finger-less gloves, Thor gives a breathless chuckle.

Your suit was similar to Nat's in material and style, but your top included both a hood and mid-thigh length hip piece made of leather; It sat as a back skirt of sorts which held a satchel for a much needed item. As for colour, it was dominantly black but included accents of deep emerald green and gold.

"I meant more so what you do all day, is it causing thunderstorm tantrums or do you actually have a job with paper work?"

"Tantrums," Loki coughs making Thor glare at him.


"From my knowledge of Norse Myth- if you could call it a myth anymore... is that Loki should be a red head?"

"Midgard culture is so odd, I know not where such a thought came from," his laugh rumbled like thunder.

"Huh... And is he single?"

"Y/n!" Steve yells as Tony runs a hand over his face in annoyance.

"What?? I just want to know," slumping into the seat, Thor quirk in confusion at your question. "Is he married? Is he engaged? Dating anyone? Does he have a fuck buddy?"

"Dammit, Y/n," Nat sighs out with a small smile.

"I do not believe he has any arrangements with anyone," Thor settles in the seat across from you. "Are you interested in my brother?"

"Yes, but it seems a relationship requires one of the two to be mentally stable and I'm far from that," a pair of finger guns and a wink was sent to the rest, your body spinning in the chair.

"I mean no offense, Lady Y/n, but what are your skills?"

"Being an emotional mess and having the inability to take anything seriously," you whistle. "And the casual ability of ink manipulation,"

"Ink- what?" Banner straightened his posture. Your knuckles cracked and the paper in front of the scientist started to move- no, not the paper... the ink. The words—report on Loki so far—merged and expanded to make a stick figure dance the can-can.

"Not as cool, but that's why, I have this," holding up an ink pot from your belt, you spill it over the table making Fury yell.

"Don't mess this shit up!" The director growls as you swipe the ink into a small 3D version of the scene; Ink Fury yelling at ink you. "Smartass,"

"Thanks, Nick,"

"Don't," he grumbles, storming off as you stuck your tongue out.


Yes, this is based on my two part Loki x reader oneshot called Enemies

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Yes, this is based on my two part Loki x reader oneshot called Enemies

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now