Prologue Part 1:Welcome to the Villians World

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Hello and welcome back to "Take Me to Wonderland" coming up we have Prologue Part 1~Welcome to the Villains world I hope you enjoy nowhere is Vil with the disclaimer


Vil: The Ugly Potato that is writing this book does not own anything but Amai.

3️⃣rd PROV

Vevila woke to the thing he was in shaking and his first thought was 'why is the box shaking'

The box shook once more then stopped as if whatever had been shaking the box had given up.Cori laid my hands on the door to try and push the door off.Cori stopped when he heard a voice on the other side

A voice from outside spoke "Grrrrr the lid is a too heavy time for my secret move" the voice sounded very agitated

The lid burst into blue flames that slightly burned the palms of Cori's hand.Yelping Cori retracted his hands that had red marks

"Guwaahuhh~ there!"the strangely high pitched annoying voice cheered

The lid fell off and Cori found himself staring at a talking thing

The cat raccoon thing spoke "ok OK gotta get"

The creature's blue eyes landed on Cori.The creature's eyes widened almost comically.The creature screeched "WHY ARE YOU AWAKE"

Cori jolted backward at the creature's loud voice and at the fact that the creature was talking.

Cori whisper as low as he could "A talking Raccoon"

But no matter how quietly he spoke it would seem that the flying raccoon thing had super hearing.He looked very offended then screamed at Cori"HEY WHO ARE YOU CALLING A RACCOON I am the great Grim "

When he settled down slightly he said "Now hurry and give me those clothes"

A somewhat malicious smirk wormed its way onto Grimm's face. Which spelled obvious trouble for Cori.

"Otherwise I'll roast"Grim threatened

Not even wasting time Cori bolted as fast as his beaten body would allow him to. Cori running stunned Grim long enough for Cori to get pretty far away.Snapping out of his shock Grim screeched "Hey get back here human"

Grim chased after Cori causing rips in his robes.Bruises and burns appearing on his skin.Grim even caused a large cut on Cori's side. And during the chase,Grim managed to burn through Cori's shoes,so there were several nicks and cuts on his feet.Cori finally managed to lose Grim when Cori took a sharp left and Grim went right.

Cori looked back to see if Grim had figured out,so he didn't notice a figure rounding a corner until he had bumped right into them.Cori stumbled backwards slightly and managed to get a look at the man standing in front of him.

The man was tall-well everyone was tall compared to me- with one part of his hair black and the other part white.He has slightly fair skin paired with steel grey eyes with white and black eyeshadow on his lids.He had a black dress shirt and red tie under a white and black vest with red buttons.Paired with black dress pants,red socks,and black and white dress shoes.For some reason he had a riding crop with a spiked jeweled collar at the end.All topped off with a big fluffy black and white jacket with three tails.

All topped off with a big fluffy black and white jacket with three tails

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