I'm back

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After Luke chased Kirk away no one came back the next day to poke around the Gilmore house. Kirk went live one more time though, but from the town square, explaining to his followers how outrageous he was by the treatment the press gets from 'The Powerful Families in Stars Hollow'.

Despite the hate message implied, Rory had fun watching this one. Especially when Luke appeared on screen at the end of the video and Kirk shrieked like a helpless girl, running without clear direction to escape Luke's loud and threatening swearings.

But the lack of an audience outside the Gilmore's door didn't mean the circus left the town. Rory knew a simple milk run to Doose's or the diner would be enough to be again under the public eye and overwhelmed with a lot of questions she wasn't ready to answer yet. So she decided to play dead and didn't leave the house for two days straight.

As the internet was now safe again and free from Kirk's interference, Rory managed to fill in all the requests for refunds on Baby R Us website and organize all the items to be returned by mail as instructed. One thing out of her to do list. As soon as Luke took away the extra boxes of her room, she immediately settled her laptop back on the desk and concentrated once again in the next chapter of her book.

All the recent commotion about the baby sent Rory back to how uncomfortable she felt at 16 years old by the attention her relationships got from Stars Hollow. However, as a grown up, she was able to see they didn't mean any harm. After the first painful break-up, Miss Patty just wanted a chance to give her a comfort hug. Babbete only tried to share some experience about man. And Kirk, well, Kirk was Kirk, but he was simply telling he was sorry. Yes, it was truly annoying. Still, it was merely their way of showing they cared.

Then, for the first time, Rory wondered if she wasn't overreacting a little bit about keeping the pregnancy in secrecy. It was already real and the bump would start to show in a short time. After all, she had decided to have the baby and she wasn't changing her mind.

Rory came to understand that trying to hide the situation was exactly what set Stars Hollow on fire. So, she figured out it was time to come clean and restore the peace. She only needed the perfect opportunity to gather everyone and deliver the news at once.

For a second, Rory considered publishing a full disclosure in the Gazette or making the announcement with a megaphone in town square. Both really practical ideas, but she would sound megalomaniac or just completely crazy - even for Stars Hollow's standards. She was still thinking of a better way to get the word out when an event alert popped up on her computer screen to remember a town meeting tonight. It was definitely the best chance to find everybody in the same place, at the same time. Except for Luke, but the baby was old news for him.

There was not much time left to get the plan on the move. So, Rory called Lorelai to guarantee her mother would be there, on time, for moral support. Then, she changed to her lucky outfit, arranged her hair, looked at herself in the mirror one last time for reassurance and left the house towards the meeting.

Rory imagined she was going to lose the nerve and call the whole thing off before she reached Miss Patty's studio, where the meetings took place at least once a month since she could remember. However, it seemed like she was wrong. Rory pushed the sliding door and found Taylor alone inside. He was now alarmed by the entrance of the young Gilmore. Probably, because it was the first time ever one of them got early to a meeting.

"Is there anything I can do to help you, young lady?" Taylor said, without taking his eyes off some papers in his hands.

"I'd like to have a word during today's meeting."

"Well, then you should have submitted a formal request within 48 hours in advance like everybody else. This is not New York City. We have rules here. Or do you think I'll give you special treatment?" He answered, finally looking up to face Rory. Of course the man was going to be difficult.

Finally where we should beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora