Prologue: The Eventful Meeting

Start from the beginning

As she squealed in pain, the flock of Pidgey stretched their wings once more preparing another attack on the already wounded girl and the tired Ground/Dragon-type. Faced with such an unforeseen predicament, fear began swelling up within her.

She forced her eyes shut, bracing for the attack which never came at all. Once she opened them, she saw a flurry of purple spikes emerging from the east direction. The sudden attack startled the flock of bird Pokémon, making them retreat deep into the woods.

Considering it to be a more powerful Pokémon than the flock, she met her unlikely rescuer standing atop on a sturdy branch of a tree, carefully holding the spiked head of a larval Pokémon with yellowish- brown body.

"Mission successful. Thanks for your help Master Weedle." The individual set the Pokémon down which then went to mind his own business from which he was interrupted a few moments ago.

The individual them slid down from the tree, making his way towards the girl. The girl could make out the way he dressed from the distance, a half-sleeved black T-shirt and blue trousers with normal slippers. He appeared to be a year younger than her.

The girl attempted to stand, but the stinging sensation from her injury prevented her from doing so. It wasn't bleeding but the impact had sprained her knee which made it difficult to move. The Pokémon attempted a similarly brave facade but she too was injured.

"Don't force yourself." The boy said, his silver eyes darting for her injury while he switched glances from the trainer to the Pokémon before fixating them on the girl. It would seem he was observing something on her creamy blonde hair.

"I don't need you to tell me that." She shot back, trying to regain her footing but no avail.

"I didn't hear a thank you. Is that what you say to someone who helped you out." The boy shook his head, his tone clearly condensing.

"Hmph. I had everything under control." The girl rebuked without missing a beat while applying a Potion on her injured Gible. She considered herself lucky and smart enough to bring her bag of essentials.

"Ha!? I could definitely see how you had everything under control." The boy stuck out his tongue while staring at her with an incredulous face. 'Who does she think she is?'

"I don't understand." To her, Gible was a strong Pokémon that she knew would have been enough to fend off the Pidgey then why did it backfire? And how come they ran off from the Weedle's Poison Sting. "Why did those Pidgey flee from a Weedle's Poison Sting and not from my Gible?"

"So this little sharky is called Gible." The boy crouched down to observe before something stuck his head again. "Hey! You are changing the subject! I didn't get my "thank you for saving my life" till now!"

"Just answer the question." The girl demanded while Gible slowly recovered thanks to the Potion.

"Brat." Xavier mumbled under his breath before ruffling his own hair and then answered. "I was trying to be a Beedrill, Weedle's final evolution against which the Pidgey are powerless. Though they are strong in a flock, Beedrill is something they can't handle unless they evolve."

"So you climbed onto the tree to act like one." The girl replied finally connecting the dots.

"Bingo! You don't even look smart but you are smart too." The boy gave a toothy grin with his hands behind his head.

"Why did you persuade and use a wild Pokémon? Don't you have your own?" The girl's curiosity about her rescuer still seemed to linger in her.

"Oh. I am a year short on receiving one. Though I wonder if I ever will be allowed to receive one.." The male scratched his cheek realizing he shouldn't have said the second part. "Forget what I said!"

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