Ice skating with the boys and fem-boy!

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Yesterday's recap on what happened. I introduced myself to the class. I thought it was easy to make friends but all of the girls didn't seem to like skateboarding which made it hard to communicate. So I played with Miya instead. He didn't mind, which was great. We both went to the small skate playground in the school and did some tricks. What did Miya's friends mention when talking about, I don't know, not wanting to have a friend? I realised that Miya never really accepted me as his friend or best friend. Does he really not want to be my friend. He didn't even say anything but he still hangs out with other skaters.

I decided that I had to be closer with Miya a little bit more. So I invited everyone to ice skating. I asked my parents if it was ok. They were unsure with all the boys there. Especially those ones in their twenties. Damn, parents really have to point out the pervert side of others. Oh well, let's see what happens in ice skating hehe.
Luckily I arrived back to Japan on a Thursday. On Thursday I had 's' and made friends. It's Friday today and I'm trying to get sleep after inviting the boys. So many of them and I'm the only girl. I went to sleep feeling excited for tomorrow.

The next day, everyone was signing up for their ice skates and getting their sizes before they can set foot on ice. I'm pretty good at ice skating. It's just like roller blading! Something that I used to do when I was very young but stopped doing for a while. So I'm pretty decent in skating. I'm always wondering, where are Miya's parents? I never see them and every time I ask about his parents. He tells me that it's Joe and Cherry. How helpful Miya, how helpful...
Cherry blossom went on the ice first with his beautiful ice skates that had words on it. It read, "keep the gigolo gorilla away from me!" I've noticed that the two, Joe and Cherry never really get along quite well. Did something happen? Cherry blossom literally rocked the ice with his skills. What a surprise. The rest of the boys got on the ice. I came after them.

Reki almost fell over as Langa caught him from falling down. Reki held on to Langa afraid that he'll fall over again. What a wimp, hehe. It's easy to know that Langa is good at ice skating. I mean, all that snow in Canada! What are you gonna do with the frozen lakes?!

The two of them help hands as Langa taught Reki how to glide. Both of them looked so beautiful. Reki was about to slip but held on to Langa making the both of them fall. I secretly snickered as I saw Shadow trying to get the hang of it. Cherry blossom was holding Joe in bridal style since Joe was being scared. Both of them were so funny and cute at the same time.
At a close distance, I found Miya at the entrance of the Ice rink He didn't want to ice skate and didn't want to make a fool of himself if he fell over. I grabbed my hand out for his. He accepted my hand and both of us ice skated together.

I showed him how to glide on the ice. He learned pretty quickly and released his grip on my hand and ice skated wonderfully by himself. It's beautiful! Both of us ice skated in circles looking at each other from time to time. Miya's emerald eyes were glittering in happiness. The best part was that he glided across the rink with one foot. Like a ballerina!
Miya really did look like someone from Yuri On Ice. It's amazing! Joe finally learned how to ice skate and picked up Cherry as he glided across the ice rink. Shadow was trying to prove that he was better than everyone but almost fell when he tried to spin.
Miya and I spun around on the ice. He almost fell backwards as I quickly grabbed his hand to prevent him from hurting himself. I took his hand and ice skated while going a little bit faster. I looked at him and he was pouting while blushing.

This one girl gave me a dirty look at Miya and I. She had brown hair and blue eyes. Her warm outfit looked really expensive.
I tried avoiding her so that I wouldn't bump into her and cause trouble.

Miya Chinen x Feminine ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now