Chapter 3

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Twilight ran into the hallway. "Sunset!"

The other girl stopped and turned, a sneer on her face. "What now?"

Twilight stopped in front of her. "Please, come with us. We need your help."

"My 'help'?" Sunset crossed her arms and snorted. "That's rich coming from you."

Oh come on! Twilight suppressed a groan. "Well it's true. There's something going on at this school. Can't you tell that?"

"Sure." Sunset shrugged. "But I don't see how that's my problem."

Twilight stepped closer. "Sunset, you have to remember! We're friends, and I'm not the Princess you think I am! You're not like this, you're nice!" She thrust a finger at Sunset's geode around her neck. "That geode gives you the power to sense the memories of others. Grab it and touch me, you'll see I'm telling the truth!"

Sunset gripped the chain holding her geode and held it out to look at it. "Ain't never seen this thing before. But there's no way in hell I'd grab any magical artifact that you put on me and trust what you say it'll do." She pulled the geode off and tossed it to Twilight.

"Ugh!" Twilight grabbed the geode and stuffed it in a pocket of her skirt. "Fine, don't believe me, but the fact is there is Equestrian magic causing chaos here, and I'll take any ally we can get even if she is being insufferable."

"Equestrian magic?" Sunset's scowl softened. "Someone is using Equestrian magic here?"

Twilight brightened. "Yes! That's what's making people act like their costumes. We have to put a stop to it."

"Who's causing it?"

Twilight shook her head. "Hard to say. It could be someone got too close to the portal and was infused with Equestrian magic. Or something they own was infused with Equestrian magic. Or they found a magical artifact from Equestria that was hidden in this world. Or they just are a magical creature from Equestria."

"That's a lot of 'ors'."

"There's precedent for all of them." Twilight looked at Sunset evenly. "You don't need to like us, but the entire school is in danger and I have to believe somewhere in there is my friend who doesn't want anyone to get hurt. So please, help us."

"Your Highness, please be reasonable." Rainbow walked in front of Twilight and knelt in front of Sunset, crossing an arm over her chest. "There are witches and demons about that pose unspeakable danger to thee. This is no place for royalty to tread unescorted."

Sunset glared down at Rainbow. "Get up before I knee you in the face." Rainbow obediently stood and bowed her head. Sunset looked back at Twilight. "Fine, I'm in. But stop saying we're friends! Alright?"

"Good enough." Twilight nodded.

Rainbow bowed her head. "You shan't regret this, Your Highness."

"Yeah, yeah." Sunset rolled her eyes. "So, any leads on where we look?"

Twilight put a hand to her chin. She turned her head to the direction of the end of the hall and the doors outside and jogged up to them. She peeked out and spied groups of children crossing back and forth on the sidewalk. "It's not affecting anyone outside, which means it's localized to the school, so it's probably someone on the grounds." She walked back to her three friends, eyes tilted up in thought. "And I'll wager they're hiding out on the upper floors. That would be the safest place to try and cast a spell without someone interrupting."

"So do we go up and look?" Fluttershy asked.

Before Twilight could answer, there was a loud, piercing scream. The four snapped their heads around, and after a moment Rainbow charged toward the source, shield raised in front of her.

As Without, So Withinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن