Chapter 9

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A/N: SO HERE IT IS! THE LONG AWAITED CLAYTON'S POV! Hope this chapter explains why Clayton acts the way he is.  

I first wanted to put as much as possible angst in this chapter, but then I was like naaah... I can't do that to you guys ;) 

Another announcement, sadly, there is only one chapter left from this story :( Don't be sad though because I'll write Dan and Ryan's story after I finish this one. 

I dedicate this chapter to Irara_1209 who's the first person that asked a Clayton's POV. Hope you like it!

Clayton's POV 


I love him. I love him so much it hurts. I love him so much that my heart aches when he's not around. I love him so much that my world stops spinning whenever he's out of my sight. I love him so much that anger consumes when other men as much as breathe the same air as him. I love him so much that I die inside when I make him cry. I love him so much that I have to let him go before I ruin his life. 

I never knew that he would be the one. The one who changes my life. The one who makes this world a much better place to live. The one who makes me wake up in the morning just to spend another day admiring his beautiful self. I never knew. 

The first day I met him, I thought he was only another spoiled child who had been fed with a silver spoon his whole life. After all, his dad is a very successful CEO, and based on my experience, CEOs make the best spoiled children. I was wrong, obviously. The first time his dad introduced the two of us, I thought he would throw a massive tantrum like how other spoiled children would, or worse he would pester himself all over me like those gold diggers. I was rather surprised when I realized that he was just a shy little boy who was so nervous of meeting me for the first time. He kept his eyes down and only gazed at his lap in the first hour of our first meeting.  

When his father left us alone to talk privately, he was literally shaking on his seat.  

"I-I am Ashton, b-but you can call me Ash," he spoke with a stutter. 

"Clayton," I said curtly. I didn't say anything after that, making the silence stretched over the two of us. 

"I-I know that this must be not what you want, a-and I'm terribly sorry for that. I-I'll try to convince m-my dad to cancel this whole thing," he barely whispered after ten minutes of full silence. I was not in the best mood at that day, plus I hadn't known the real him at that time and still saw him as a typical daddy's spoiled brat, so I remained silent just to intimidate him a little and see him squirm in his seat.  

"No need. It's a win-win. This marriage will benefit both your father and my company," shrugging my shoulders, I said casually. I wanted to know what his reaction would be when I basically said that I would only marry him for the sake of my company. Other people would either flee in fear, or start to seduce me in order to 'melt my icy heart'. At least these what my previous lovers did when I intimidated them.  

At that time I should have known that Ashton is full of surprise and unlike any others. He didn't do either of those two reactions that I'd expected, instead he looked at me in the eye for the first time and gave me a little smile.  

"I may not be your first choice of wife, but I swear I'll try my best to be a good one." 

And then he let out a full blown smile. Seeing how the radiant smile spread across his face, it felt like I saw him for the first time. How bright his eyes were, how soft his hair looked, how smooth-looking his skin was. His beautiful presence stunned me at that moment. I couldn't take my eyes of him. 

He looked at my shocked expression, and soon his smile turned into a fit of giggles. And what a beautiful sound it was. After years of hearing people's fake laugh when they tried to get on my good side, hearing his sincere laugh felt like a breath of fresh air.  

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