Chapter 5

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A/N: It really warms my poor little heart seeing that lot of you actually like my story. I'm sorry if there's nothing much happened in this chapter. I basically want you guys to have a glimpse of Dan's family since I'm thinking about writing a story about him and Ryan after I'm finished with this one. Hope you like this, enjoy, comment and vote! 

I dedicate this chapter to nelehorandos, who was betrayed by Wattpad when trying to vote my story. Hehehe, love you. Hope you like this chapter. 

Cutie Ash on side -->  


"He seems much... calmer today," Dan says to me before we go to our class.  

"When is he not calm? He's always collected, no matter in what kind of situation. Even when he's angry." I correct him softly though I know exactly what he means. He's talking about Clayton's sudden change of personality this morning. After last night fiasco, he's been acting a little bit strange. Sure, he's still his usual stony self, he doesn't talk much unless it's really important. But usually even when he's silent, I can still feel his strong presence. Yet this morning, his silence brought strange atmosphere to the house. It's not like he's even there. The strangeness started when he shook my body to wake me up. It surprised me since he usually wakes me up by rubbing his morning wood on my ass which leads to the first round of rough sex in our day. Another strange thing that happened is how he didn't boss me around like how he normally does. He waited for me and Dan without saying anything while we were munching our breakfast though I know that we made him late. His usual self would have snapped at me to eat faster. In short, he becomes strangely... polite.  

Dan squints his eyes at me, like a mad scientist observing his laboratory rat. "What happened in your bedroom last night?" 

"Wh-what?" I stammer nervously. Damn, he's so good at reading people. 

Sensing the nervousness that comes in waves from me, Dan uses that chance to bombard me with questions. "Did you guys have sex? Oh forget it, of course you two had sex. It must have been a really good sex that he becomes slightly more bearable. What kind of technique that you used to please your man, Ash? I want to know for my future reference. For how long did you guys have sex? I heard strange sounds coming from your room, I wanted to check but I was afraid I might disturbed-" 

I clamp my palm on Dan's mouth before he can blabber more nonsensical and embarrassing things.  

"I won't discuss my sex life with you, so stop asking." I scurry off to the classroom after that, afraid that Dan will ask me more disturbing questions if I spend another minute with him. 

During my morning classes, my mind is preoccupied with Clayton's new attitude, and I'm not sure whether I like the new him or not. I know that it's what I've wanted for him to be less commanding, but something seems off. There's like something missing. With these entire thoughts filling my mind, it's suddenly time for lunch already. 

"When will we start doing our history project?" Dan asks me while munching his tuna sandwich, "we'd better start doing it soon. I don't want to be skinned alive by Mrs. Harrison" 

"Sure. Is it okay for you to come to my house again after school today?" 

"Eh, about that, can you come to my house instead? I'm grounded, remember?" we both wince, recalling how his brother Jared called him this morning and scolded him for half an hour, telling him that he's grounded until he's thirty for taking off to my house without leaving any notes. 

I'm sure that we're doomed. With Ash grounded indefinitely and Clayton's strict rules about me coming home right after school ended, there's no way in hell we can do this project. 

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