Chapter 2

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(just uh, forewarning? I don't really know how to write 'medieval so uh...they all kinda talk in a modern way)

 The Human and Monster war raged on for another three long years before it was finally brought to a peaceful end. Rumors spread around town talking about a child who had been found by monsters and managed to befriend them, and alongside a certain skeleton, convinced the human leaders to stop fighting. You hardly believed the rumors that spread. How could a child stop a war that had been going on for over a decade?

You had never actually gotten the full story, not that you ever really tried, if the maids had found out that you'd been eavesdropping again they would surely report it to your father, and the last thing you wanted was another beating for acting like a child.

You hadn't seen much of your father in the last three years. After Sans left you became desolate. You didn't leave your room, hardly ate, and refused any guests that had wanted to see you. You spent most of your time reading the books in the library or drawing on paper you had managed to collect over the years. Your father never bothered to talk to you. It was like he was trying to pretend you didn't exist. You knew he had spent most of his time in the town, though you were unsure of what he was doing.

The last time you had been to town was the day you got married. As much as you tried not to think of that night, your mind always brought you back to it, back to remembering the softness of his eye-lights, the baritone of his voice, how he was so gentle, so... caring. It hurt, knowing how much you had failed. Even though the marriage was forced you believed that you could have still had a good life with him, could have loved him. But, you had failed, drove him away because you were nothing. Why would he want something like you in the first place?

When news spread that he was returning back to Ebott, so did the rumors. Rumors that he had been granted permission to divorce you, rumors that he had been offered to take the princess as his new bride.

It crushed you, whatever little hope that you'd had about seeing him again crumbled with every new rumor. He wasn't stupid, the choice was obvious. Divorcing you and marrying the princess would be better for his status and his family, and in the end, you knew that was all that mattered.

The days continued to pass slowly. You had given up trying to hold onto some hope that maybe, just maybe he wouldn't turn you away. You knew you had no chance against the princess herself. So, when word arrived that Sans would be going out of his way to arrive at your house, you knew why. He was going to divorce you officially.

The day of his arrival, you had been woken up early to get ready. Maids piled more and more of that gunk on your face, had you wear the nicest dress they could find and pulled your hair in all sorts of ways to make you look nice. The scar on your right cheek had been almost completely covered, but no matter how much of the stuff they put on your cheek it never completely hid the mark.

Later that afternoon, your father came storming into the room. You had been reading, waiting for Sans's arrival, trying to steel yourself for when he told you he no longer wanted you. Your father was livid, of course, he was. He had been ever since he found out that the rumors were true, Sans had been offered to take the princess as his bride.

"This is your last chance. Your last chance to convince him to stay." He sowled, circling you to try and find anything wrong with your dress. "I can't believe I have to rely on you to be the one to convince him to stay. Your nothing. Absolutely worthless. I highly doubt you will be able to convince him, why would he want something like you?" He said in disgust before turning away and muttering; "You should have died with your mother when she got sick, would have saved me the embarrassment of having my daughter be divorced by a monster." He sneered, directing his attention back at you completely. A wave of anger passed over his face as he stared at you, and in one swift movement, he hit you hard with his cane, sending you flying to the ground. "You would have better off dead." He hissed, lifting his cane high over his head. You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut awaiting the impact.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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