random story (jarlo)

Start from the beginning

Asslo: I won't chill

Seraphina: alright (×××)-×××-××××

Asslo: alright cool thanks

Well now to text john let hope he actually talks to me here we go

???: hey john I need to talk to you

John: who are you? And why do you need to talk to me

???: Oh right it arlo and before you say anything no I'm not planning anything plz I just don't need to talk to you

John: hell no I'm not talking to you  anymore I tried to be nice and you ambushed me and forced me to use my ability which I mind you I didnt want to use at all

Arlo: listen I know but plz I'm sorry I really feel bad I should asked or took it a other way I'm not the type of person to apologize for my mistakes so plz I'm really sorry

John: ....fine I'll let this go and we can but behide us but if you really are sorry so let's talk we can go to Woaba Boba and talk ther after school tomorrow

Arlo: yeah sure I'll take you up on that so... see you tomorrow

John: alright then see you tomorrow

John pov 🤍

What did I get my self into. Has he really changed? Or is he trying to trick me?.. let's hope was actually sorry maybe he isn't that bad. The only reason I was extremely mad at him was because that after hanging out with him I developed a crush on him and let's just say it really hurt when he did that ambush. Well we'll talk tomorrow  and let's hope for the best

Arlos pov💛

Well now at least I know he doesn't hate me as much as I thought .guess that makes me feel better about this whole mess I made

The next day🌅

Arlo got up for school with hope of seeing john he had seen him at all for a good while so yeah. Once he got to hell sorry I mean school he was a little to happy and people where staring at him since he always looked mad, today he had a big smile on his face and somehow that scared some people and for other is was like the world might end.

John pov 🤍

News do travel fast I just heard that when arlo the man that looks like he is going to kill someone everytime had a big smile on his face. Was it because of me? Did I make him smile? Was he really that happy for me to talk to him again? I'm so confused. That not point maybe I should hang out with him today just for good measure because it the nice thing to do. Yeah that why, god I'm a mess anyway I should go find him since I talk to seraphina about what arlo said I sure she'll understand.
🏳️‍🌈 When he found arlo( still John's pov)🏳️‍🌈
"HEY ARLO" I shouted
Arlo looked up at me with a smile and I felt my face burn up,god why did I fall for him he is just a tall handsome guy with beautiful blue sapphire eye that had a shine everytime he smiled and his hair looked to soft and- wait what the hell am I thinking man i really did fall hard this time lord help me. Anyway when I snapped out of my little day dream mode arlo was coming up the stairs alone? That's weird normally he has Holden with him well guess that's new...wait the mean I'm going to be alone with arlo the whole time...well let's hope I dont fuck up

Arlos pov💛

I was coming up the stairs alone and I spotted john who I guess saw me because he looked away pretty quickly but not fast enough for me not to notice the blush on his face. Was he blushing at me? I thought he still hated me. When I got closer he looked up at me and smiled which made me blush just a little bit. "So you want to hang out on the roof we dont have homeroom until nine o clock so we have some time" I said john once again smiled and said "sure I have nothing better to do so why not" john started walking and I follow until I caught up to him. We where walking through the hall with everyone's eyes on us I mean I understand that people are curious how the king and the crippled of Wellstons high school where just hanging out with each other I tend not to talk to people who are known to be of a low tier than me but john is different not only is he stronger than me he also doesn't brag about how strong he is, I loved that about him he didnt care what people though of him. Unlike me I always cared I mean look at me i alway try to keep my reputation clean but guess that gone now huh. Me and John had already made it to the roof where we talk for hours it seemed but really we where only up there for and hour and thirteen minutes or so but me and john were getting along to well we were laught and joking and at one point john got up for where he was sitting and came over and sat next to me and leaned over on to me and said "mind I sit here for a while I'm pretty tired". " yeah I dont mind" I said while turning red I mean him did thing he was kinda cute to be honest he looked to peaceful as he basically laid on my shoulder. His hairdo looked to soft and after i while of me being a creep and staring at him I decided to pet his
hair and I was right his hair was really soft it was like petting a kitten. He notice that I was petting his hair and with out moving a muscle he said "you know if you wanted to touch my hair you could have asked". "In my defense you kinda just fell asleep on me for a minute there and you just looked to peaceful and yeah". "Aww you didnt want to wake me up thats cute" John teased. God why is he like this? Why do I like him? Out of all the people I could have called for it just had to be him. Well he are going to Woaba boba later...maybe I should confess like that I won't act like a lost puppy around him and if he does like me then hey guess I end up with a boyfriend but if he does then I guess a friend? That not the point I just need to get over this puppy crush I have on this guy.

John pov 🤍

Arlo has been put of it since we started talking guess he has other thing on his mind. "Well arlo I'll see you later at Woaba boba". "Yeah I'll see you there John". Arlo said with a smile.

Later that day at Woaba boba (still john pov)

Once I got there I saw arlo how as alway was early he was sitting down in one of the tables closes to the door he was wearing a black shirt that was pretty tight on him and blue ripped  jeans *god why is he so hot and why am i doing this to myself*  I went to where arlo was and sat in forn of him and which made him look up form his phone and smile I felt my face burn for a second. I started to talk to him and at one point out of the blue he looked at me and said " hey I want to tell you something" I responded with " sure go ahead" he look at me dead in the eye and said " I liked you for the longest time and did want to say any in fear of you regretting me" he looked down and I smiled at him " arlo I like you" that made him look up at me he looked so happy when I said that. "So now that you know this mind going out with me?" Once again he said yes I was so happy.

The end i lowkey cant think of a way to end this so yeah I hope you like and if you want apart two feel free to tell and plz dont mind the spelling mistakes and the grammar isn't good either so yeah I hope you like mess I made

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