Moced: Well normal ship girls are full flesh but you are made of metal with human flesh on top and.... instead of cubes your rigging turns into crystal like formations why is that?

She started to piece out the damaged wires in Tarawa's arm.

Tarawa: Ok..i'mma say something here we ship girls and you sirens back then were the same thing same tech 

Moced:{Gasp} Wait your saying we're all related?

Tarawa: Yes...

Moced: {Picks up a saw} Go on

Tarawa: After all Siren tech was banned humanity found a new way to create us we're basically androids with sentience robotic organisms living metal endoskeletons under living tissue as a part of a project called "Operation Terminator" it was designed as a plan to produce techno organic spec ops soldiers to help fill out the ranks in Militaries across the world started in late 1970s first generations called "G Bots" were produces in medium numbers me being included in the small numbers made for the navy

Moced: So why did they give you a conscience? 

 Tarawa: tests started borked using minimum A.I control increadibliy dumber than italian soldiers in WW2 so to make that they can perform motor functions gave them sentience along with personalities. 

Moced: Aahhh i see....

Tarawa: As the years dragged on a new replacement was need so "Operation Corona Plague" was launched in mid 2021 in the wake of the Corona virus pandemic that was ravaging the world to design soldiers that could replacement the 1st Generation G Bots and since this was done in the middle of a pandemic have soldiers that couldn't be affected by disease or bio chemical warfare first prototypes were successful and mass production was started in 2023 three separate corporations were established to produce different G Bots with different codenames for specific branch of armed forces for the military market these are Heavenly Corp responsible for create elite paratroopers combined with fighter jets called StrikersGriffin and Kryuger (G&K) whom produce G Bot spec ops soldiers called Tactical Dolls or T-Dolls for short, and Atlantis Nova their the ones who produce modern ship girls officially called Avrus Ocianicas 

Moced: Oh i see...{Grabs a nerve link wire} what does this do? {Pulls it}

Tarawa: GAHAHAgghh jesus christ!!!

Moced: Sorry!!!

Meanwhile outside Texas brought the Iron Blood ships to the prison cells as their ships were locked up in dry dock.

Texas: Alright Jerry keep moving

She led them to a large holding cell having to shunt Scharnhorst in.

Texas: We'll have to wait a while before talks Sardegna also wants to talk on a side switch seems that the alliance is crumbling 

As she shut the door closed Bismarck consolidated on why they even broke off from AL.

Bismarck: Hmmm

Prinz Eugen: Why did you surrender that easily?

Scharnhorst: We could have gone down fighting 

Bismarck: With the fact that what would be achieved if we even won what would have Siren technology have for a future of humanity

Gneissenau: Before our radios were taken i did manage to get a signal out to the others 

Bismarck: Another piece of note is where do the sirens come from.. and what do they want??? We've all asked the same question but no one seems to know the answer

Back on Moced's ship 

Moced: Why do they produce you all as women?

Tarawa: They say its for "The need of easier human-machine interaction appeared." but there has been a increase in male G bot production to incorporate sexuality 

Moced: So... do you every interact with these other G Bots?

Tarawa: Of course even though i'm a museum they still use me for training i remember even being temporary recommissioned to transport a squad of T-Dolls on an unsanctioned AR Team i believe  

Reaching with her remaining hand into her pocket she pulled out her phone and showed Moced a picture of Elite T-Dolls 

Reaching with her remaining hand into her pocket she pulled out her phone and showed Moced a picture of Elite T-Dolls 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Moced: interesting characters i assume? 

Tarawa: Absolutely among the elite and the best of friends kind of like during my service with my fleet we've all been through thick and thin i was recommissioned to bring them on a incognito mission to the south given a full restoration to be sea worthy again and so i got my M4 back in my hands for one more job to do

Then Iowa and Wisconsin came in to check up on Tarawa.

{Insert door sliding open noise}

Iowa: Sub my dudes Moced...

Moced: Iowa

Wisconsin: How you feeling Tarawa?

Tarawa: A bit better she's reattaching it while shedding some lore 

Iowa: I always remember that SOP ii looks like Roon 

Tarawa: Yeah instead of being crazy for commanders she's all crazy when in battle 

Moced: So for new ship girls how do they think?

Iowa: {While sitting on a chair backwards} Well as from my experience hears a bit from my POV when me and my sisters were given our upgrades/overhauls some of our parts removed if i remember we were fully conscience during it all and it hurt like fock! 

Wisconsin: It was F upped 

Iowa: Whole limbs were amputated my large intestines was pulled out before my very eyes metal parts were burned into us and the only time were out cold was when half of our brains were cut out and a computer server was placed in it place

Tarawa: Get to the point 

Iowa: Ok sssshhhh... so modern ship girls have this thing called a Neutral Cloud or Digimind so its a A.I system that works as their brains though the Neutral Cloud is mainly used for T-Dolls ours is called the Seanomica Namor so basically the same thing while it serves as our brain it also functions as a central control system and fire control  for our riggings including a build in radar so we can see things without having to look directly at it but it also acts as a hard drive for  transferable to and from a mainframe to protect a Their memories from being lost if they are destroyed during operations if we are destroyed the memory can then just be downloaded into a new body. The only reason that the new ones sleep is just to erase catch 

Moced: So the point is when they die their not dead?

Wisconsin: Well unless the hardware containing the Cloud is destroyed then their truly dead or in our cases since we were among the originals that were left the only reason we were hooked up with Namor's was so that we could use the new weapons of the time basically turning us into cyborgs

Iowa: There's lots more under the skin than we look

To be continued...

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