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Rocky's POV:

We all got back to the lookout nervous.

Ryder:"I'll be right back pups just stay here."

Ryder went inside the lookout.

Marshall:"I don't know about you guys but I'm really nervous.."

Rocky:"Me too.. But what happened Marshall? How did you make a fire?"

Marshall:"I-I don't know, I couldn't even feel myself doing it, or feel the fire."

Ryder then came outside in his normal cloths and some towels.

Ryder:"I'm back pups, and I brought some towels for you guys, I figured you were still wet from the big wave."

Zuma:"Sowwy about that.."

Zuma blushed of embarrassment

Rocky:"Its alright Zuma, it was just an accident, even though i hate water."

Zuma smiled at me as Ryder dried all of us off.

Ryder:"Alright, now that you pups are all dry we can see if you actually lost control of your powers, who wants to go first?"

We all stood there quietly.

Ryder:"Rocky, how about you go first."

I stood there scared.


I walked forward towards Ryder.

Ryder:"Ok Rocky, all you have to do is try and build something."

I tried so hard to build something but i couldn't.

Rocky:"I can't."

Ryder:"That's ok just keep trying."

I kept trying for 2 minuets but still nothing happened.

Ryder:"Its ok Rocky, you can stop now."


I hung my head low.

Everest:"Um.. Rocky.."





I looked up and saw a big hammer above me.

Rocky:"Oh my gosh!"

The hammer then fell almost crushing Skye.

Rocky:"Skye are you ok!?"

Skye:"Yeah I'm ok.."

I was glad Skye was ok and not flattened like a pancake but my powers are really dangerous, they could really hurt people.

Chase's POV:

We were all still in shock of the big hammer Rocky made but after 20 seconds It disappeared.

Chase:"Rocky's hammer just disappeared!"

Ryder:"Its ok, as long as its gone and no where else it's fine, Chase how about you come next?"

I hesitated at first but I just decided to get it over with.

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