"I need you to find Kieran. We have no idea where he is or what he's up to. But we need him to come back for the kids."

"You mean the idiots who tried to abduct your brother?"

I rolled my eyes at his bluntness.

"They're damaged and they're acting out of grief and anger. They've lost their only support network and they're lost. Kieran really helped them, and whether it's right or wrong, he's Thomas' father. He belongs with him."

"He belongs with you and Spencer, you're his godparents." My dad said, scowling at us.

"Dad, it's too dangerous for even Tilly to be around right now, we can't run the risk of Thomas getting caught up in this. If Kieran can take custody of the kids, that keeps them out of trouble."

My dad's frown deepened but he didn't say anything in response.

The Spy

I'd been on some pretty rough missions in my time, and I'd dealt with some pretty shady characters. But this, this was a whole other ball game.

I wasn't quite sure who was who or what was what, but we were all living in some huge warehouse with camp-beds and sleeping-bags. We were all given black clothes and standard hand-guns, all of our personal belongings stripped back so we were basic clones of one another.

I missed Mel and her family, I missed Jason and his, I missed the normality of the FBI and the BAU and the days where our worst fear was an Unsub.

This... This was so much more.

We were dealing with Unsubs, but there were too many to count and the killings were too random and mass to even begin to decipher.

I guess I didn't really know what I was getting myself into...

At first, it was fine, standardised meal-times, basic food and water. They moved our camp-beds every evening so we didn't befriend our neighbours. We had time-tables of what to do and when to do it. When to shower, when to eat, when to exercise, when to practice shooting, when to shop, when to cook, when to clean.

I was wondering why I was voluntarily here, how this could be the workings of a terrorist cell.

And then, on day three, it all changed.

We were awoken in the dead of night by yelling and guns firing blanks, two unknown females and a male.

Everyone started screaming and I immediately dropped to the concrete floor next to my camp-bed, my gun already cocked and trained on the three individuals about twenty feet from me, their guns trained at the ceiling as they grinned maniacally at us.

The lights were blinding from above as everyone sleepily came to terms with what was happening.

A moment later, heels on the concrete outside the doorway echoed their way to us, before Kate Joyner appeared next to the three individuals.

Immediately my heart lurched and I dropped flat to the ground, panic and terror overwhelming me.

If she recognised me, it was game over.

"Well, well, well, you are the chosen bunch," Her voice called out, and my breath hitched in my throat.

Chosen for what?

"I must say, I was expecting more... Not numbers, but... Just more," She sighed and my nails clawed at the concrete.

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