11. Connections

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"When you plan a journey from your mind into mine, remember to allow for the time difference." -- Ashleigh Brilliant

The Fighter

Sunday 07:00 (Belgium) 01:00 (Canada)

I was absolutely exhausted by the time we got to Belgium, and all I'd done was move my ass from the seat in the helicopter to the seat in the SUV.

But, the helicopter had been so loud, even with the ear-protectors, that I had a thumping headache that turned to nausea once we'd gotten into the car to drive from Paris to Belgium

There were four cars in total; Jason and I in one, and the others filled with his men in tag-teams.

I didn't like the idea of all of us travelling everywhere, but Jason reassured me that his men were taking it in teams to accompany us. That they wouldn't be able to be traced, and not all of them would be on each leg of the journey.

They were literally acting as tag-teams.

"Okay, you ready baldy?" Jason asked as we pulled into the very outskirts of the airport car park.

"As ready as I'm ever gonna be." I sighed, readying the first of four passports.

He smiled and we got out of the car, preparing ourselves for the walk to the terminal.

Thankfully, my case was a part of the hand luggage, so we wouldn't need to worry about waiting for luggage on conveyor belts. Or, having the utter disastrous nightmare of the luggage being lost.

By the time we got to the gate, my heart was almost pounding out of my chest as the air-hostesses checked my passport. I thought I was going to collapse for all the time it took them to check my name and ticket and direct me towards my seat.

Thankfully, Jason was sitting next to me, and I couldn't for the life of me remember his undercover name for this trip.

Instead, I decided to refrain from referring to him at all, and stared out of the window until it was time for take-off.

"Are you normally so nervous to fly?" Jason asked in his best Polish accent and I smirked.

"No." I decided on keeping things short and sweet, my mouth hinting at a smile.

He shook his head and gripped the chair.

"Well, I am." He said, and looked as pale as a ghost as we took off into the air.

I couldn't help smirking, despite the fact my eyes continuously darted all around the plane frantically, checking for undercover agents or the Grim fucking Reaper.

It was still morning by the time we got to Norway, and I prepared myself for the agents at passport control.

"Name?" The guard asked.

"Magda Kaminski." I said in my best Polish accent.

I tried to recall undercover ops class in the academy, and hoped I was doing my tutor proud.

"Business or pleasure Ms Kaminski?"

"Pleasure." I cracked a smile and the guard stamped the passport, slapping it closed and handing it back to me.

"Next." He called and I pushed on through the metal detectors. Of course, nothing bleeped, and nothing was flagged in my luggage.

"You okay?" Jason asked under his breath as we walked through the never-ending corridors that smelled like freshly laid carpet and disinfectant.

"As good as I can be right now." I muttered.

"The guys made it safe. We'll get to the main concourse and change for the next connection."

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