Chapter 3- Moving to Forks (again)

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We were back at the Denali's before heading to our new semi permanent home. Esme is making the call to our new school, Carlisle is making a call to the hospital, and Edwards making a call to the chief of the Quilette tribe. They were always nice to me unlike my family. I was the only one allowed on their land and that was because of the way I treat humans. Unlike my siblings I'm very social. I become friends with others. I won't be going on their land unless they invite me of coarse, but we will see what happens. We get in the car to drive to Forks Washington. One of my favorite places to live because it's almost always raining so we can live semi normal. It's lovely. In our family Jasper and Rosalie go as twins while I go as their younger sibling. The rest of our family is adopted and it seems to work out usually. Every once and a while people get suspicious so we of coarse leave.

When we get to forks we unpack. It's about 3 in the morning but since we don't sleep it's ok. Out of all my siblings im the artist. Since both me and Edward don't have mates yet we have more hobbies. I sometimes help Carlisle at the hospital. I also dance and paint.

(What her room looks like, but instead of a bed that's where her easel is

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(What her room looks like, but instead of a bed that's where her easel is.)

(The other side of her room, ignore what it looks like in the mirror)

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(The other side of her room, ignore what it looks like in the mirror)

I love it. I get my supplies out and start to paint how a I feel. Soon it's time to head to school so I quickly change and get in the car with Edward. Everyone is staring at us but we are used to it. The office gives me my schedule and I have history first. Man will That be fun, I've lived through most of it. In class the teacher asks me to introduce myself.

"Hi! I'm Lily Hale. The Cullens adopted me and my older siblings when I was seven. I love shopping, hiking and being around people!" I add a little bounce into my voice so it does not sound rehearsed. The teacher sits me next to a kid named Mike. He's nice but seems to be the flirty type. The rest of the morning goes well. Mike introduces me to all his friends and I meet a lot of new people. By lunch everyone knows who we are and we walk into the cafeteria together. Everyone stares but it's normal now. While walking in Edward suddenly puts his arm around me. I might have forgot to mention how overprotective my siblings are of me. Seeing as I am older then all of them it's weird but it's still sweet so I let them. I'm betting Someone was thinking something dirty about me so Here Edward is. Right Edward? I see his face slightly move up and then down again.

See I might have forgot to explain my family and our origins. So Every vampire keeps one main thing from their human life. Mine was my ability to brighten up a room, hence my power. Some of the things turn into gifts like Edwards ability to read people as a human became mind reading. So Carlisle was changed about 100 years before me. He hated being what he was so he ate off of animals. Eventually he found me and you know my story. We then found Edward dying on his bed so we changed him. I think I explained most of this. So instead let's explain this. Edward can read minds. Alice can see the future. Esme got her motherly love, Carlisle got his control or patience. Emmett got his strength, and Jasper got the ability to sense and change emotions. Rosalie got her beauty. And Edward, I have no idea if your listening now so if you ever tell her I said that I will personally make it so you are never able to see again. (It would be to bright!). I can hear Edward chuckle at this. This life is an interesting one.

A/N So this is more of a chapter so you understand how she's like with her family. It's not necessary, but I still liked writing it. Next chapter Bella will come into the story.

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