"A few weeks before we departed Gondor, I sent a message to my father. I asked him for his blessing for our marriage. The messenger rode without rest to and from Gondor. My fathers response granted us his blessing, but along with the message, he had given to me one of the white gems that he had reclaimed from the Dwarves of Erebor, meant to be gifted to you. I had Aragorn find someone to create a ring for you with the gem." Legolas explained to me, and paused, "I couldn't decide where to ask you. I was going to at Aragorn coronation, but you were troubled then. I wanted to do it before we returned, and had recalled you telling me of a place which you had enjoyed visiting as a child." He looked around the clearing, "So, Emerin. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?" 

I stood there looking at him for a long moment. For each second that I didn't respond, the light in Legolas' eyes began to fade. The shock in me took my voice away. I struggled to find words, and as I did, Legolas started to lower his hands, "Yes." I breathed out at last, "Yes." I said again. A smile crept up on my face, "I would have said yes sixty years ago, even if you asked me in the midst of battle. I would have said yes even if we were about to ride into battle against Sauron's forces at the black gate, and I say yes right now. In this moment. I say yes to spending my eternity with you." I was finally able to control my breathing. Legolas took a step closer to me, then stopped. He took my hand and slid the ring onto my finger. He looked at my hand for a long moment before closing the distance between us, and putting his lips onto mine. We kissed until we could no longer hold our breaths. We kissed until it seemed like the world was falling into pieces, and was reshaping itself into a more vibrant one. We kissed until we were one. At last, when we parted, Legolas took my hand and kissed it,

"We must not keep everyone waiting. My father will be eager to see us again." I looked at the special place that had claimed some of the most wonderful moments in my life, and thought of how it had claimed the best moment of all.


After hours of riding, we reached the palace. As Legolas and I walked hand in hand towards the throne, I noticed that the palace seemed more empty than usual, yet more full of life than it had once been. When we finally reached the throne, we were greeted by a giddy Thranduil. The sight surprised me, and I wondered if he had drank too much at a recent festival. But as he stood up and gracefully strode towards us, I knew that it was not possible that he could have been drunk. Before I could register what was happening in those moments, Thranduil had wrapped me in a warm embrace, and spoke to me,

"I had always considered you as though you were my daughter. Now I can say that it is true." He pulled away and gave Legolas a similar embrace, "I had been waiting for you to ask me for my blessing for quite some time. You could imagine the joy in my heart when your message reached me." He seemed to read my earlier thoughts, "I had all of the servants and guards disperse and enjoy themselves. I was feeling generous."

"It is good to see you, my Lord," I smiled at him and bowed my head,

"Although I realize it could be a habit, you need not bow to me, Emerin, nor use my title when addressing me. You are to be a part of my family. No formalities are required of you." Thranduil smiled even wider, "Now tell me, when shall the wedding occur?"


Maidens surrounded me, occupied with many different things to help me prepare for today. I was to be married in a few hours at dusk, once the sun had begun to set, and the stars would rise. One maiden washed me all over, muttering to herself about what to do about the layers of dirt beneath my nails. The others were either preparing my dress, decorating, or some other job. After I was deemed clean, they moved on to my hair. They dried it thoroughly and braided three strands of hair on each side and tied them together in the back. They slathered me in perfumes and oils to make me appear brighter, although I had protested saying that it was not possible for me to be brighter than I already was, inside and out. At long last, after nearly three hours, I was put into my gown. (Image below) Most of the options had been rather distasteful, this dress however, had seemed to be perfect. It's intricate patterns and puffy sleeves were my favorite parts. I also wore a circlet atop my head. (Image below)

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Once the maidens stopped fussing over how I should walk, or how I should speak, and other absurd things, they deemed me fit to be wed

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Once the maidens stopped fussing over how I should walk, or how I should speak, and other absurd things, they deemed me fit to be wed. The wedding was to be a small gathering. Mostly Woodland Elves and close friends. Thranduil had even allowed us to invite Gimli and a few other Dwarves. Aragorn and Arwen would come, along with the Hobbits, Gandalf, Lord Elrond, Eowyn, Faramir and Eomer. The wedding was to be in the Parth Malthen (Field of Gold), which was on the palace grounds. I had been there once before. There were thousands of golden flowers in the field, and a spell enchanted the trees to have small circles of light on their branches, which lit up the entire area at night. As I started to make my way to the field, I began to get anxious. Once I reached the walkway, I had to pause to look at the beauty of the field. The sunset was gorgeous on it's own, but the golden lights on the trees, and the golden flowers seemed to compliment this specific hour. I began to stride along the walkway, looking at all of my friends who had come to see Legolas and I get married. My gaze turned to Legolas, who beamed at me as I got closer and closer to him. The walkway was considerably long, and under the heaviness of the dress, my legs had begun to slightly ache. I could feel the leather strap around my thigh that holstered the dagger that had been gifted to me many years ago from Fili. I had snuck it on while the maidens were preoccupied, just incase something were to happen. After much walking, I reached the altar. As I stood in front of Legolas, everything seemed to disappear. I was pulled back into the world when I heard Thranduil's voice,

"Friends, family, and loved ones. Today, we shall witness the joining of two spirits, whom have found each other, and fought for each other. They have discovered something that few find in their lives: an eternal love. Legolas," Thranduil addressed Legolas, "My son. I have watched you grow into a most wonderful ellon, one that I am proud to call my son. I give you my blessing to live the rest of your life in pure bliss with the woman you love. Do you accept her as your hervess (wife)?" Legolas looked at his father and spoke,

"I shall." His eyes met mine again, and he looked at me with a great intensity,

"Emerin," Thranduil now spoke to me, "As I have said before, I had always considered you as my own child. I had watched as you grew into the strong warrior you are today, and I feel blessed by the Valar to have you become a part of my family. Do you accept Legolas as your hervenn (Husband)?"

I looked at Thranduil and smiled, "I shall." my voice seemed to be lighter and more youthful than I remembered,

"May the two of you live in your eternity with love and joy, as Hervenn and Hervess." 


Okay, I think that this was a pretty good stopping point. I hope that you guys loved this last chapter as much as I did, and that the ending was good. Please leave your thoughts in the comments. Let me know if you guys want to have any more side stories for Legolas and Emerin about their lives after getting married. I will be starting another Legolas X OC love story soon (Meaning I'll start writing it today). I'll let you guys know when it's out. Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and FOLLOW!!!

Thank you guys so much, I love you all!

-Jackie <3

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