Taehyung almost reflexively stepped in front of Jungkook, protecting the boy from the approaching alpha with his whole body.

"An omega," the girl beamed at them. She stopped in front of Taehyung and stood on her tiptoes to see over the trueblood's shoulders. Coming up close, she looked harmless. She did not try to push Taehyung away. She didn't even try to invade their personal space. She just looked like they were some endangered species from a zoo. 

"Lisa!" Jennie's voice roared through the whole ballroom. "Don't disturb our guests!"

The blonde alpha - Lisa - took one last glance at Jungkook before turning around and jogging back to Jennie. She sat on the other's lap, looking like an obedient puppy. 

"I love omegas," Lisa said absent-mindedly to Jennie who just hummed.

"What is wrong with her?" Yoongi whispered into Taehyung's ear. Apparently he wasn't the only one found Lisa rather weird. She looked like she was living in a completely different world.

Instead of Taehyung, Jennie spoke up again. Her voice sounded a bit annoyed. "There's nothing wrong with Lisa. And if I were you, I wouldn't disrespect the Luna of the pack you want to make an alliance with."

So Lisa was the Lune who wanted to meet Jungkook so badly. 

"So you're aware," Taehyung said. He wasn't surprised that they knew about their arrival, but the fact that they also knew the reason was a bit disturbing. Just how much did she spy on them and for how long?

"Of course." Jennie's words were dripping with egoism. "I will avoid the unnecessary chit-chat if you let me and get straight to the point so you could return to your home too. I have no intention of helping. There is finally peace in the north, I don't want to put my people in danger again."

Taehyung's fingers rolled up into a fist as he looked up at the girl's smug face. She looked superior, sure, but her words were naïve. "Jeon is not only dangerous for the Southerners, but also for the whole country! Do you think that if he defeated us, he would be satisfied with Busan only? He will want to expand. And sooner or later he will need Seoul too. Do you really want to bow to his ideologies?"

"I don't share that old man's outdated thinking. If it turns out that way and the time comes, I will fight with him. But until he gives me a reason, I do not want to do anything." 

Jennie's appearance screamed that she thought she was better than everyone. Even though Taehyung could feel the dominance and power emanating from her, he doubted that she knew how much of a threat Jeon was.

"The time is now," he gritted between his teeth. "We have to defeat him now before he gets too strong."

"Are you sure?" Lisa's twinkling voice broke their conversation. She knocked her head to the side as she looked at them questioningly. "Do you consider the time of child blessing the ideal time for a war?"

A few gasps were heard after Lisa's question but nothing more. Taehyung and his small team stood in front of the couple completely bewildered. They had no idea what she was talking about. 

Taehyung looked behind his back at Jungkook, but he was just as surprised he was.

"Child blessing?" Jennie glanced at Lisa. The Luna nodded her head eagerly before looking at Jungkook again.

"It's still very early, just a couple of days, but I can definitely feel it. It's going to be a baby girl." Her gaze was fixed on Jungkook's tummy which was now secured by the omega's protective hands.

"It's impossible," Taehyung mumbled.

"Our Lisa's never wrong," Jennie stroked her Luna's silver locks. "You know, she can see, hear and feel things we, mere mortals cannot. Why else do you think I already knew you were coming here with that ridiculous idea in mind? Lisa foresaw everything."

"Are you saying she's a medium?"

"Something like that. She was chosen by the Moon Goddess to guide her will on Earth. She's one of the apostles."

"The chosen one?" Yoongi laughed. "Do you believe in that fairy tale?"

"It's not a fairy tale," Lisa said in her usual twinkling voice. "You should know that better than anyone." 

The Luna's eyes were fixed on Jungkook again - or maybe she never moved them from the omega. 

Jungkook also felt her gaze because he uncertainly pointed at himself and asked. "Me?"

Lisa just nodded again.

"I don't understand," Jungkook babbled. "I've never even-"

But he never got to finish his sentence as Lisa slowly raised her body from the throne and walked down to them again. She stopped right in front of Jungkook and tapped her finger on the omega's forehead. "I can see the Moon's mark on you. You've been kissed by the Goddess as well. Didn't you know?"

Everyone was speechless. Taehyung was long lost and Yoongi seemed shocked too. Only Jungkook was still functioning, looking very confusedly into Lisa's blind eyes.

"I think you're mistaken. I don't-"

"If you don't believe us, you can go to the hospital wing and make all the necessary examination to make sure Lisa's right or not. But as I already said, she's never wrong." Jennie stood up as well with a smile on her face.

She slowly walked down the stares and settled next to her Luna, right in front of Taehyung. She put her hand on Lisa's shoulder and said. "Please escort Jungkook to our doctor."

"Hey, I haven't agreed to-" Taehyung tried to interfere but Jennie stopped him. 

"We can discuss military matters in the meantime." As if that could win him over. Taehyung didn't care a bit about the war if Jungkook wasn't by his side. Even now, he was much more interested in the fact that a stranger wanted to tear him away from him.

"It's okay, Taehyung," Jungkook gently tapped his arm. He looked up at the trueblood with such tenderness in his eyes that even Taehyung - who was in guard ever since their train arrive - suddenly felt at ease. "I don't think they mean any harm. And I want to be sure."

This scenario was all too familiar. Only this time, Jungkook wasn't unconscious. But again, they were in the center of an enemy pack and they were about to examine his mate. What if something terrible was to happen again like last time?

"O-Okay," Taehyung sighed, knowing he couldn't say no to Jungkook even if he wanted to. "But Yoongi will go with you too."

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