"You're not careful enough."

Jungkook slowly stood up, emitting a calm, shooting feeling. Taehyung suddenly felt at peace. "We will take care of the spy as well but that's not why we asked you here."

"The two thing are connected. I should've known something was going on. Our allies step back from our unity one by one. We thought they just wanted to stay out of the power game, but now I understand why. Surprisingly they are showing up on Jeon's side. Why now?"

"Are you implying that someone is leaking information about our allies to Jeon?" Hoseok spoke up this time.

"It's possible."

A heavy silence fell on the people in the room. For a short time, no one talked.

"Does that mean we don't have anything against them?" Jimin's faint voice was laced with concern as he slowly raised his gaze at the Head Alpha.

Bae Hyungsik's face was still slightly offended and irritated by Jungkook's tone, but something else was hiding behind his wrinkles. Taehyung also looked at him curiously. It was like he was afraid.

"There might still be some hope," he said uncertainly and met his eyes with Taehyung. The boy blinked in surprise. It was the first time since they had entered the room that the Head Alpha had acknowledged his presence. He usually only communicated with Jungkook, and Taehyung was completely at peace with that. He never handled tense situations well, and these discussions were always tense.

"What is your plan?" Jungkook asked, looking between Taehyung and Bae Hyungsik.

A tiny sigh escaped through his chopped lips before he spoke, but his gaze was still fixed at Taehyung as if he was only talking to him. "Truebloods are very rare, you know. There's only a handful of them and they are very cohesive. You understand each other."

Taehyung already had a faint understanding of what the old man was implying to. Everyone knew history, they knew how the mighty Bang Sihyuk single-handedly ended the 10-year war. But what many people didn't know - or rather didn't take note of, was that Bang Sihyuk had grown old since then and had no intention of participating in another war. Taehyung, on the other hand, was aware of this.

"Bang Sihyuk is too old for-" he tried to say but got interrupted by the Head Alpha.

"I'm not talking about him. There is a young trueblood in the north. In the last couple of years, she has built a strong pack around herself. She currently dominates the entire northern region. If you could convince her to stand by us, we might have a chance."

No one expected this. 

Of course, Taehyung guessed that there existed other truebloods besides him and Bang Sihyuk, but somehow he was never interested enough to look for them. Mainly because truebloods were quite different from a normal wolf. They didn't like to share or obey. They were selfish and willful unless it was for their own kind. But since truebloods were almost as rare as male omegas, the chance of them running into another was pretty slim. Rather, they retreated into the forest or founded their own pack over which they can practice their overflowing dominance. 

Taehyung had learned that the greatest tyrants in history were all truebloods - expect Jeon, he was an exception. This was why he was so distraught when it turned out that he was also a trueblood. As a child, this basically meant eternal ostracism  for him or that eventually he too would become an impenitent tyrant.

The fact that Taehyung was so different from a trueblood was a big puzzle even for him. Of course, he showed the signs sometimes, especially when he was angry, but normally he preferred to stay in the background and let Jungkook handle everything. Maybe if it wasn't for this war and Jungkook, he would have ended up as a hermit in the forest like his master. Maybe he was that kind of trueblood. But the one that Bae Hyungsik mentioned now seemed to be from the other kind - a tyrant.

"Another trueblood?" Jungkook echoed. His voice was doubtful and uncertain. "I don't know... The Northerners are not really open to the power struggle of the Southerners. Especially not truebloods, they think we are insignificant."

"That's why Taehyung has to go. As I said, trueblood to trueblood is a completely different situation. She will want to help him."

The Head Alpha didn't seem entirely confident. He glanced at Taehyung again, waiting for confirmation. The boy couldn't claim to have dealt with too many truebloods over the years, but he knew himself. If someone as desperate as them had reached out to him, he would want to help.

Being silent for such a long a time, he cleared his voice before speaking. "I guess it's worth a try. Hobi and I can visit them-"

"I can't go." Hoseok said firmly and Taehyung snapped his head at him in confusion.

"Why not?"

"Who will take care of the pack then?"

"Jungkook, obviously."

"No, I'm coming with you," Jungkook chimed in.

Taehyung suddenly didn't know whether to be surprised or offended. True thing was that he was not used to organizing these kinds of meetings, but Bae Hyungsik also said that he was the one needed now. Did Jungkook really think he was so incapable? 

"It's way too dangerous." Not wanting to sound petty in front of so many people, he said the second thing that came to his mind. After all, that was true as well. Their jurisdiction did not extend to the north and they had never been there.

But Jungkook only chuckled at him "It's only safer if I go with you. Plus, how could a Head Alpha go to negotiate without his Luna? They would laugh at you."

"Jungkook's right," Suzy agreed as well. Her small voice was hardly sensible in the large meeting room. "You're the most powerful if you are together."

Even Jimin and Yoongi nodded in agreement and Taehyung officially had no one else to back him up. He wished Jin and Namjoon would have stayed. 

He fell back to his seat, defeated.

"I... I don't like this," he muttered.

"Well, suck it up. I'm going," the omega patted his shoulders before turning back to their guests.

"It's settled then." Bae Hyungsik clapped his palms together in joy. "I really hope it will work out for the best. Otherwise, we are dead."

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