Unfortunately, Taehyung has already decided to do it. He was already so invested in his newfound plan that he didn't even hear the beta still talking to him.

"I'm definitely gonna do that," he grinned and nodded to himself. He grabbed Jimin's cheeks and pulled his head closer to his own face, planting a sloppy kiss on the beta's forehead. "Thank you so much! You always know how to solve my problems."

"No, no, no!" Jimin shook his head frantically, watching the Head Alpha galloping out of the kitchen. He shouted after him."Don't blame it on me! It's all on you. It's your stupid idea, you hear me? Hey!"

Taehyung ran again. He rushed on the hallways, up the stairs, through the hall, all the way to his office to make a very important call. He ignored all the wolves that were in his way, bowing deeply to him. He didn't see Beomgyu and Taehyun chatting in a corner and he didn't notice Minho and Jisung staring adoringly at each other on the stairs. All he cared for was to reach his office.

He was panting heavily by the time he arrived at his room. He slammed the door shut and leaped towards his desk, his hand already raised to make a call but then something caught his eyes. It was a yellow folder, neatly placed on his desk.

I prepared a report for you. I'll leave it on your desk tomorrow morning so you can read it. Jungkook's voice echoed in his mind as clear as he was standing beside him.

Looked like the omega went ahead of himself because the file was already laying there, just waiting for Taehyung to read it.

The trueblood didn't waste any more seconds. Already forgetting his original aim, he grabbed the folder and scratched it open eagerly. Curiosity was eating him alive so he couldn't hide the disappointed frown forming on his face once he got a look at the paper.

It wasn't a report as Jungkook previously said. His brows knitted tightly together, he rummaged through the folder, looking for something else inside. There was no use as the folder only contained one single piece of paper, with five simple words written on it.

There is a spy between us.

It took some time for Taehyung to understand the meaning. It was definitely Jungkook's handwriting, he could tell right away. But was it true?

His body fell down onto his chair, his hands still clasping the paper. He looked blankly ahead, completely bewildered. He trusted in his wolves wholeheartedly. He knew all of them by heart, he could never imagine anyone betraying him in any way. They loved him even though he was an incapable Head Alpha.

Taehyung wasn't sure how much time has passed as he just sat there, absolutely motionless. He saw the shadows stretching in the room and the walls shrouding in darkness. But he just sat there, his gaze blank, utterly devastated.

Then, after some time, his door opened and two males walked inside the small office room. They looked worn as their faces were filthy with mud and blood, their clothes hanging from their bodies like rags. But they were uninjured and that was all that mattered. 

Taehyung immediately got back to his senses. He jumped up to a standing position, welcoming the two alphas. "You're back," he declared with a small smile.

Hoseok and Yoongi copied his expression as they came closer to their leader. They nodded, being happy to be back for a few seconds before their gazes darkened. "About Jin and Namjoon-"

"I heard," Taehyung cut them short with grief lacing in his tone. 

Hoseok shook his head. "We scanned the whole place but we found no traces of them. I don't think they're there anymore."

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